❁The End❁

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"I can't believe your child decided to come on my freaking wedding day!!!"

"Geez, Fea! As if I asked her to come specifically on this day! Why are you yelling at me?!"

"Pah-lease! You could've excersied less and prevent this from happening today! Or at least bear it till tomorrow!"

"Are you fucking crazy!?! Ughhhh!"

"Babe, breathe! Deep breaths! Come on!"

"Don't you fucking tell me what to do!"

Amidst this chaos, Florian drives as fast as he can to the nearest hospital. Which is about half an hour away since they were all at the venue for their wedding.

Yes, finally Feather had proposed Florian to marry her. It's not necessary for wolves to get married by law since their completion of mating is deemed enough as a marriage.

But Feather had to make sure Florian is hers in every possible law. Even human ones.

Unfortunately, right when the pair was about to exchange their vows, witnessed by thousands of wolves, hearing the soft waves of the ocean, Juliene's water broke and her screams halted their sacred ceremony.

To say Feather is pissed would be an understatement, though she knows it's no one's but her own fault. She should've waited till the birth before organizing the wedding.

As the car speeds away on the high empty road, Feather and Florian still in their wedding attire, Grant tries his best to soothe his mate without getting killed on the process.

Finally, they reach the hospital and Grant carries Juliene out of the car, running straight to the emergency centre.

Everyone stares at them with weird eyes.

Florian's wearing a black tux with black rose tucked on his chest, hair gelled and styled while Feather's wearing a black gown, cut up to her left thigh, revealing her skin as her hair's in a messy bun, make-up dark and smokey.

On the other hand, Grant's carrying a screaming woman in pastel green dress, some others dressed in lavish clothes following behind them.

So, yeah, it is a sight to gawk at with shock and bewilderment. If not for the tension and worry on each face, the audience could even laugh at the scene.

Doctors immediately come to their aid, and Grant and Juliene's guided inside the labour room while the others sit themselves on the hard, uncomfortable chairs.

Sighing, Feather leans her head back against the wall, closing her eyes.

Florian follows her posture and gently takes her hand in his, caressing it with both of his hands.

"It's going to be fine, love." He whispers, bringing their joined hands up to his lips and leaving a kiss there. "Juliene's strong, she'll make it in good shape."

Feather exhales deeply, smiling down at the boy with love filled eyes.

"I know. Thanks." She kisses his lips.

Sam, Ryna, and Kaya are also here with them, waiting for the news from the doctor.

Florian holds Feather's hand the whole time. He knows despite the faćade of annoyance she wore earlier, Feather is worried about her sister and her unborn daughter.

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