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"damn it!" the commanding officer snapped. "Return to your post, Jones! I repeat, return to your post—"

"Negative!" Jones heaved heavily as if the air in his lungs evicted whatever he could gasp for

"For God's sake, man, it's just one person!"

"NO NO NO!" he screamed in terror

"IT ISN'T!" the Commander furrowed his brows as thoughts raged around his mind, wondering what the hell was wrong, and jumped back as Jones scurried his bloodshot eyes up at him

"That thing is not normal!" he cried out between gasps for air, desperately trying to fill his lungs

"THAT THING IS NOT-" Jones stuttered at the nightmarish thought, "That thing is not human!"

"The way it moves! The things it did to my friends!" Tears like blood gushing from a fresh gun wound escaped his bolted-shut eyes.

Still feeling its yellow-hued eyes that of an apex predator, piercing daggers into him



NEEDED (Simon X Hybrid male)Where stories live. Discover now