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I was laying in bed after I found a comfortable place I can lay in to relieve some of the soreness my body had from last night. the first tame we had sex she wasn't at all like that, and I want scared of it at first. I thought about it for a moment then decided hat there was no reason for me to think about any of this further so I brushed it off. I turned around facing the bathroom door trying to find the same comfortable position I had on the other side but failed. I was waiting for my girl to pop out of the door. and finally she did. ''you still didn't get up you lazy girl'' she thew herself next to me and I squeezed my face in discomfort of my sore body ''oops sorry love'' she pecked my cheek ''can I go out today?'' she asked me turning her head facing me. I furrowed my eyebrows ''why are you asking me?, I don't own you you can do whatever you like'' she tilted her head and smiled ''well I thought I still might ask you? I mean I felt like the last times you were pretty worried about where I was r she I'm coming home or so'' i thought about what she said for a moment I didn't mean to make her feel like she has to ask me ''well but you still don't have to ask, I was just making sure you're safe and nowhere where you don't want to be?'' she smiled ''well thank you'' she kissed my cheek ''I mean you can come? if you want to, then you don't have to be worried or anything'' I though about it '' I mean I don't have to? what are you even gonna do a I not gonna be a burden or anything?'' she shook her head ''I'm just gonna go get coffee with a friend nothing much you can join '' she smiled and took a hand to my face. I rolled my eyes in fake annoyance ''Okay fine ill come'' I kissed her I jumped up to go get ready while she lingered around in the living room since she was already done getting ready. she didn't wear a lot of makeup so it didn't take her long to get ready. she was beautiful so it was defiantly understandable that she dosent do a lot. I tried to get ready as fast as possible trying not to make her wait long. definitely in success because it only took me 30 minutes. well only. '' are you ready to go?'' she asked me getting up from her kneeling position after petting the cat, ''yes I am were taking the car right?'' she nodded and went to put on her shoes. her outfit was really pretty. she was wearing this pink floral top light coloured shorts  with white converse. simple yet it looked gorgeous on her. we drove by her friends house to pick her up the drove to a diner on the end of town. we all got out of the Car walking towards the entrance when she discreetly pulled me aside ''she dose know were dating and were not gonna tell her either'' I frowned not pleased with her decision ''I know I'm sorry but I don't know how shell react. ill tell her some other time or so'' when we noticed her friend was almost at the door we sped up our walk to reach it at the same time. I grabbed the door handle holding it open for the both of them. we sat down at the table. I sat next to lineah. just  less likely to stare at her the whole time and making her friend notice when I can't see her. her friend looked at me ''oh did I tell you my name?. I'm Chloe'' she gave me a little smile '' I'm rose, you probably know that already''  ''so what are we gonna get?'' lineah chimed in the conversation breaking it off ''actually I know we said lets just get coffee but I'm actually pretty hungry'' Chloe said picking up the meals card ''yes same we didn't eat breakfast yet''lineah said also picking up the card to look '' we? did y'all have a sleepover or so?'' she raised an eyebrow at both of us ''no we just talked about this on the way here before we picked you up'' line said nervously ''oh right'' Chloe sunk right back in the meal card, lineah shot me a look as if it was my fault she almost busted herself. I silently  laughed at her for her attempt of glaring at me. Chloe also shot me a look over her card '' aren't yo gonna look for something too? or are you on a no food diet?'' I shrugged ''I'm just gonna see what you two go with and whatever sounds best I will just get too'' she thought about my words for a split second the threw her card on the table ''lets just get this'' she pointed at the 'breakfast for 4' option. it had a small stack of waffles, eggs, bacon, strawberries and banana. I shrugged it seemed fine to me. lineah looked at the option for a second ''I call dibs on two of them waffles with some fruit'' ''fine by me thats what it is then'' Chloe called the waiter over and confidently ordered for all of us when the waiter asked for drinks she looked at us for a minute and without asking ordered a vanilla. milkshake for me and a strawberry one for lineah, for herself she got a peanut butter one ''how ddi you know hat we wold want drink?'' I asked her she raised an eyebrow at me ''lines always gets a strawberry milkshake, and since I was getting a milkshake too, I thought I might swell order one for you so you don't seem left out, vanilla looked like it was the best option for you'' she looked at me waiting fro a reaction on her analysis of me liking vanilla milkshakes, I nodded in approval because my thoughts were stuck on her 'you should know that' did she catch on?  i brushed it of because before I even got to think about it long enough the food we had ordered already arrived. we stared eating and both lineah and close basically talked their tongues off speaking bout literally anything since their begining of their friendship. I tried following, cut at some point I just lost the connection and didn't find it again so instead I just let their conversation be and zoned out. I was enjoying my food being in my ow thoughts till I suddenly felt a light touch. I flinched a little looking down to see lineahs hand resting next to my leg. she had just put it on the seat leaning on it so I though it might to have been purposely and moved out again being in my own headspace till I got pulled back again by tis tine her had on my thigh. I looked down then on her trying to keep it subtle so Chloe wouldn't notice, but she was way to caught up telling lineah some type of story to even notice she hadn't touched her food for the past five minutes, or given lineah the chance to answer to any she was saying. lineahs hand started slowly riding up from my knee to my thigh stopping at the start of my dress. her fingers flaying at the seam. then she started talking moving her other hand around freely talking with gestures and everything. trying to keep Chloe's eyes on her so she could not notice that lineahs hand was going further and further up my thigh under my dress. the embarrassment overcame me and I think my face turned red '' rose are you good? why is ur face so red?'' Chloe broke off lineahs story to ask me, I immediately pulled my milkshake close hoping the coldness of it would cool my body heat off so I wouldn't look so blushed. ''I'm good idk its just hot'' lineah pulled her hand away after realising her actions were not gonna go unnoticed. Chloe raised her eyebrow at me. ''hot yeah, its summer, but were in here? its actually kinda cold because of the ac?..'' I shrugged ''idk about you but I'm hot'' I said and fake waved at my facefor some air. Chloe shook her head at me an asked lineah to continue her story. I looked at lines face. she looked happy with the result of her actions, we were quick to eat our food but they still sat there talking. lineah leaned back in a way that her chest was more exposed to me. obviously I sneaked a look, trying hard to not make it obvious since Chloe was literally right infront of us. lineahs tempts of discreetly teasing me were definitely working. I ws thinking about how I was gonna pay her back as soon as were home when I again felt her hands on me. this time on my lower back. she was getting pretty bold with her teasing slipping her hand in the peak on the back of my dress and moving her fingers agains m back. when the waiter came to ask if we were ready to pay she quickly pulled her hand away so it would go unnoticed to both the waiter and her friend. Chloe nodded. the waiter asked us if we were going to pay all separately but I said that its on me and handed him my card to pay. both girls thanked me and we got outside, we opened the door when the heat from outside hit us, I missed the ac inside the diner in that moment Chloe tuned t me ''look roose now its actually hot''she smirks at me pleased with her smart comment she just made we sat in the car and took off. '' so how long have you been screwing my best friend rose'' Chloe asked looking in the rear mirror to catch eye contact. both me and lineah were taken aback from her catching on. ''guys I'm not stupid and lineah is not sneaky. do you think I dint notice her teasing you the whole time?'' lineah laughed embarrassed that her teasing that was supposed to go unnoticed dint work. Chloe unbuckled her seatbelt as we were to her house. ''thank you guys I had fun'' she said as she was getting out the car. we both also said bye to her. she slammed the door shut then quickly ran to lineahs open window and poked herded through. ''have fun screwing  her  at home, also pay her back from me too okay, for thinking she had to hide anything from me.'' she winked at me then pecked lineahs cheek. when she pulled her head ou the window I drove off, I was just waiting to do exactly that to tis girl as soon as we got home. 

cliffhanger guys, I don't know for how long you might wait for but be exited 

lots of love! 

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