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Title: The Sacrifice. . ? The World's Hero. Master of Fire. A.K.A. Kai Smith

Age: 23

Sexuality: Bisexual

Nationality: Indian (I see him as Indian. Change my mind.)

Favourite colour: Red & Blue

Pets?: None

Crush/Who he's dating: Will probably just change according to the book.

Personality: Impulsive, Determined, Protective, Hot-Headed

Elemental Power: Fire

Appearance: Mostly the same, not much has changed apart from a light blue and green bracelet.

Height: 6'2

Nick-names: Hot-Head (Cole, Jay), Stupid (Nya), Bro/Brother (Nya, Lloyd), Spiky (All + OCs - Zane)

Past: No change, for anything, except he never fell in love with Skylor, and just thinks of her as a friend, and same for her to him. During seabound after losing Nya, usually sits with Jay.

Siblings: Nya, and thinks of Lloyd as a younger brother.

Fears?: Water (Mostly swimming, It's getting better), Thanatophobia (Fear of losing a loved one), Proditiophobia (It depends on what you want to think of it, but this is the only one I can find that is related to betraying someone or being a traitor)

Nightmares: Not very frequent, but either about Season 4 when the staff corrupted him, Losing Nya to the sea, and now thanks to the S2 of Dragon's Rising that came out today and I already finished watching! (April 4th, 2024) He will continuously have nightmares about the Wolf Masks, and about being stuck in whatever realm the Forbidden Five were in,

Favourite Ninja?: Nya, Wyldfyre & Jay (This is my AU he likes Jay, deal with it)

Xtra: Slowly becoming more responsible and seemingly like a father figure to Wyldfyre, trying to take care of her. Attempting to make sure the new kids (Sora, Arin and Wyldfyre + Euphrasia at some point) are safe.


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