Chapter 7

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Kevin read through an important report. He heard the door to his office open.

“Didn’t I tell you not to bother me?” Kevin asked annoyed without looking up.

“No, you did not!” She said as she walked toward his table and sat in the chair opposite him. Her feet automatically went onto the table.

“Feet off!”

"Why so grumpy today? Didn’t you miss me? I came here straight from the airport.”

Kevin looked up. His facial expression softened when he saw her.

“Hello, brother!” She said with a smile.

He stood up and walked around the desk. She giggled when he hugged her. He pulled back looking from top to bottom.

“Welcome back Maisie! You look good.”

Maisie Rodriquez. Age twenty. Kevin’s younger sister.

She playfully hit his shoulder. “You better not say I got fat!”

He chuckled as he sat on the edge of the table in front of her. “I was talking about your clothes. I gather this is one of your new designs?”

She twirled around. “What do you think?” She asks with excitement.
He tilted his head left and then right. He placed his hand on his chin.
“Hmmm, not bad.”

“Not bad? Not bad? What is that supposed to mean? Now I regret coming to greet you first!” She said with a pout while crossing her arms in front of her.

He chuckled, “It’s amazing! You have gotten better. I mean you were amazing before but this… Well done I am proud of you. You keep surprising me! How many pieces have you designed?”

“Thank you, a few. Father said I can open up a studio if you approve.”

“Hell yeah of course I approve! Do you have a location in mind?” He asked as he walked back to his seat ready to discuss business.
Maisie sat down,

“What's wrong?” Kevin asked

“You look tired,”

“Me! You're seeing things. Why has this discussion turned to me? We were busy talking business, now you are changing the topic. I thought this is what you wanted?”

“It is. I - I want a few weeks off. All I have been doing is working.”
Kevin narrowed his eyes at her.

“Maisie, I know you. You want to go goof off with your friends. Am I right?”

Maisie nodded. “I do. I do. I promise to place my full focus on designing and the company afterward.”

Kevin looked at her big blue eyes. Then at her roughly styled blond hair on top of her head. “Okay, but fix your hair before you leave. It looks like a scarecrow!”

“It’s called fashion! Not something you know about from the looks of things.”

“Hey! What is wrong with what I am wearing?”

“The suit is so - so plain.”

Kevin chuckled as he shook his head.
“I’ll see you at home. Now go. Mom is probably wondering where you are.”

“Yeah. Okay.” She stood up and walked toward the door. “See you later.” She called back over her shoulder.

Kevin shook his head as he continued reading the report.

Maisie stopped in front of Nico’s desk. When Nico looked up and saw her grin, he shook his head.

“No! No! Leave me out of it. I am not going to help you.”

“How can you say that If I haven't even asked you anything.”

Nico narrowed his eyes at her.
“Maise. I know you and you are trouble. Last time I helped you.” he pointed to the door “Your brother almost strangled me to death. I can still feel his hands around my neck.”

“Don’t be so dramatic. It wasn't that bad.”

“What do you know? You get away with everything. I am always the one who has to face the consequences of your actions.”

“ That is not true. He - he. Okay fine. But this will be the last time okay? Hey! Stop shaking your head. Just hear me out!”

“That is what you said the last time and the time before that and…”

“Okay - Okay - I get it. I get it. Okay. Maybe I should tell my brother about the time …”

Nico’s eyes widen, “You have five minutes.”

She clapped her hands together and went around the table and sat on the edge of his desk next to him.

“I heard Kevin found her.”

“HOW, do you find out about this stuff?”

She gave a dismissive wave. “We must help him, Nico. What are we going to do to get those two together?”

“You stay out of this. Your brother knows what he is doing!”

“What does he know? She almost got married! Married, Nico. No. We can’t wait for him.”

“Maisie, I promised your brother I would not help you with your ridiculous request anymore. He doesn't want you to get involved in anything dangerous. If you know who she is. You will know which family she belongs to. She is not an easy person, Maisie. You better stay away from her. Do you hear me?”

“Fine I will do it myself,” She mumbled as she walked away.
As Maisie walked out of the building she put her sunglasses on. "How am I going to find her?" Maisie asked herself.

She started walking to a nearby coffee shop. She ordered and then started scrolling threw her phone.

Alice looked at Khan.
"When Khan?"

"You're not ready." He said as he lifted his hand to call the waiter.

"The service here is pathetic. I don't get why you love this place so much."
"I love their coffee. It tastes good, and it's not so crowded." Alice said
"Yeah well, I can guess why,"

Alice stared at the girl who was sitting at the booth by the window alone.

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