Chapter 23

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Alice never knew two days could feel like an eternity. The gates of the salt factory stood open so Alice could drive through. The place that was once filled with workers was now an empty deserted place.

Alice looked over the rim of her sunglasses at the factory. She had read about this place in the newspaper once when the bank had foreclosed the factory and sold it off in an auction. Alice secretly bought the building knowing that it would come into use one day.

Alice parked in front of the building and climbed out walking to the front of her car. A black luxury car stopped next to her. The driver's doors opened, and black leather sleek shoes were the first to be seen as it stepped on the ground. Jackson knew how to make an entrance so the more dramatic he made it the better. Jackson straightened his long black coat and took off his sunglasses. A slight smile formed on his face letting his light greenish eyes give off a glint in the sunlight. Jackson placed the sunglasses in front of his shirt. He tilted his head and brushed a piece of black hair that fell out of place back. Jackson walked toward Alice and side-kissed her on both cheeks.


“Hello, Jackson. Let's go inside.”

Alice walked toward the factory doors and unlocked them. She slide the door open and walked in. She walked to the middle and turned around watching Jackson calmly walk in as he examined the inside of the factory.

“Is this place yours"?” He asked.

“Yes. This will be our base from now on. We do not have much time so let's get to the point. Do you have what I asked for?”

Jackson stopped in front of her and took out an envelope from the inside of his coat but did not hand it to her. Alice narrowed her eyes as she looked at the envelope and then at him.
“What is it, Jackson?”

“Your words already indicate that you know what is inside,” Jackson said with a raised eyebrow.

“What words are you revering to?”

“Our base.” He looked around and then back at her.

“I had a hunch, and I am normally right,” Alice said.

Jackson gave the envelope to her and watched her open it calmly. Jackson took the time to examine her. This was the first time he ever saw her without Khan or Oliver at her side. How she contained her composure in front of everyone always fascinated him.

Alice took out a few documents. The report of the orphanage was in front. She read through the report that stated in detail what happened and what was left. What fascinated Alice the most was according to the report there were no survivors. Everyone was dead.

“You know what is interesting,” Jackson said, pulling Alice from her thoughts. She did not notice he had walked toward a few salt bags and made him comfortable on it.


“I searched for your information but could not find anything.”

This news did not surprise Alice. “Of course, you will not find my information so easily Jackson, you know my father hides it well.”

“No Alice, you do not understand. Even if your father had hidden some of your information, your basic information is still supposed to pop up, and the people I use to gather intel can access any information without a problem. Alice, there is no information about you. It’s as if you do not exist. You are a ghost.”

“How can that be possible Jackson? I travel frequently. If I were a ghost, how would I have been able to do that?”

“Have you ever booked a flight yourself?”

Alice thought for a while. “No, Khan or Oliver does that, I…” Her eyes grew big. “That is why he was not able to find me sooner,” She whispered.

Alice averted her attention back to the documents in her hand. She flipped through them and stopped at the information about Kevin. ‘Oh, Jackson is good. All of Kevin's information was in her hand. Her eyes ran over the page and stopped at the word adopted. As she looked at the orphanage's name, her heart stopped for a second.

Jackson watched the paper drop to the floor.
“Alice? Are you okay?”

Her mind was flooded with memories of her, Kevin, and that horrible dream from hell. Alice slid to the floor and stared out in front of her in a baffled state. Showing her emotions for the first time to Jackson.

“Why kill and burn innocent children? Why did he only take me?” Alice asked in a whisper.

“That, we still need to find out,” Jackson commented. “You know, I was just thinking I have never seen you lose your composure. This is the first time I have seen this side of yours. It is good to see.”

Alice looked at him. “Good to see what?”

“That you are still human. Anyway, I gathered that Kevin is your lover from Orphanage if not so, how are you two related?” Alice looked taken aback by his words. “Don’t look so shocked. You only gave me vague information, so the rest I gathered myself. Even though there is no information about you, I can still put one and one together. So, what now partner? Will you go to him and then you two can walk off into the sunset together?”


“No what?”

“There is no future for us and there can never be.”

“What do you mean by this Alice?”

Alice stood up and dusted her clothes off then stared at Jackson, “Exactly what I said.”

Jackson held his hand up at the venomous sound in her voice. “I was just asking.”

“What about you?” Alice asked.

“Me? With whom am I supposed to walk off into the sunset? Ha-ha. I like this life, thank you. There is no sunlight in what we do.”

Alice shook her head, “You are the youngest and have two brothers. Which one of you will take over the family business? What are your future plans?”

Jackson shrugged his shoulders at her question. “Never thought about it like that, but as you already know I like living on the edge but will not fight my older brother for his inherent rights.”

“Join me,” Alice said.

“Oh? And what will we do?”

Alice gave Jackson a mischievous look.

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