Chapter 28

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- Warning - This chapter contains foul language.

Alice threw the guy into the alley that was next to the bar. He scrambled on his hands and then to his feet. His nose was bleeding profoundly, making his face covered in blood. He bent his head down and charged toward Alice like a bull. Alice effortlessly dodges him. She turned around and kicked him on the butt causing him to stumble forward and fall flat on his belly. Alice leaned against the side of the building waiting for the scumbag to get to his feet again. His clothes were already torn. His pants struggled to keep themself up showing his crack.
Alice pulled her face in disgust. It was a waste of her energy to fight with him any longer.

“Go home!” The boredom could be heard in her voice.

Only a dimmed light from the streetlamps shined into the alley which made the alleyway quite dark.

As the scumbag stood up, he grabbed a hand full of loose gravel. He turned and immediately threw it into Alice’s face. The gravel hit her and caused her to be caught off guard for a second.

“Your worthless piece of whore.” He screamed as he stormed her. He tackled her to the ground. Alice was quick to respond and pulled her elbow down hard against his head, then immediately shifted out from underneath him. Her blood was boiling with rage. She kicked him in between his legs and then in the stomach. He cried out in pain. Alice glared down at him, thinking to herself,
‘How many girls’ life did this man take? This was no man. He was worse than a dog. She knew if she let him live he would continue his ways, or even worse he could take it out on another girl for what she did to him tonight. She could not let that happen.’ Alice pulled out her gun and aim it toward his head. A figure standing at the entrance of the ally caught her attention.

“Leave or you will end up like him!” Alice yelled out as she kept her aim at the scumbag while watching the person out of the corner of her eye.

“Alice…” Her heartbeat increased as she recognized his voice. ‘No, what is he doing here? Maybe it is for the best. I was so afraid of him seeing who I am. He was supposed to remember me as that little girl he knew. That sweet little girl he used to know. Well, it is too late for that now. Maybe if he sees what I am he will leave me alone and find someone worthy of him.'

Alice felt his presence as he walked closer until he stopped a few feet away from her. She lifted her chin and moved her eyes to him for a second. He did not tell her to stop, he did not say anything else.

Bang - She pulled the trigger, shooting scumbag in the head. The sight before her was horrendous. It would give anyone nightmares for years. Scumbag’s lifeless eyes were still open as the blood poured out of his head, soaking the earth underneath him.

Alice sigh then place her pistol bag against her side. Kevin’s eyes never left her. She could not read his expression. He did not look shocked or disappointed. He looked like he was waiting for her to finish up something insignificant.

“What Kevin? What? What do you want?” Alice snapped at him,

“You.” Was his only reply.

Alice released a forced laugh. “Me?” She pointed to herself with a look of ridicule on her face. “I just killed a man in front of you and that's your only answer to that?”

Kevin tilted his head looking at her intently. He had no plans of stopping her as she continued,
“You must be disgusted by me. Do you know who I am? Do you know the things I did?” Alice screamed. She looked at him baffled as he stood in front of her unfazed about her outburst. “This is me! I wanted to spare you the heartache. But let me quickly rip the bandage off your poor little heart. I am not the innocent little girl you once knew. I am all fucked up. In more ways than you could ever imagine. Now you have seen what I can do and who I am. I am this… THIS FUCKING SOULLESS PERSON!” She breathed out heavily.

He didn’t respond. He only stared at her.

“Why aren't you saying anything?”
Alice watched with widened eyes as he moved toward her. She let him approach her until he was standing face-to-face with her. Alice watched his hand reach up to her face. She closed her eyes, waiting for him to touch her. Even if it was only for a second, she longed for his touch on her. He placed his hand on the back of her head then pulled her toward him letting their lips crush together. Alice was shocked. Her eyes shot open. She tasted his breath. She felt his warm soft lips against hers. Each kiss held so much passion and longing. Kevin felt like he could finally breathe again. Like his lungs were filled with the air he had longed for all these years. Alice closed her eyes and deepened the kiss.

As he pulled back, he gaze into her eyes without uttering a single word. Alice felt the weirdest sensation spreading through her body. She could still feel the tingle of his lips on hers. She wanted to touch her lips to make sure that kiss had just happened.

“I know who you are, Alice.”

Alice felt a lump form in her throat. Was that a goodbye kiss? Why did he kiss her so intensely? Was she the only one drawn to him? Did she just imagine that he felt the same longing for her as she did for him? She took in a sharp breath, expecting the words to come would forever rip her heart to pieces.

“You are my Alice. You belong to me and only me.”

Alice was shocked at his words. She almost thought she misheard him. How could someone possibly love her after what just happened? Is he crazy? She thought to herself.

He could see the surprised expression.
“You did what you had to survive Alice. I know everything you went through, and I am sorry. I am sorry for causing all of them.”

Now she was beyond confused. ‘What the fuck was happening? He was blaming himself for what she had done and gone through?’

Kevin wanted to laugh at Alice’s stunned expression. “You can’t belong to a world that we belong to if you do not fight to survive. Alice, I am so proud of you. You became strong. A fighter. If you did not become what you are today, you would have been long dead.”

“But - I did it for you.”
She did not know where all these emotions came from. She felt like crying. Like she wanted to break down and cry all those years of misery out against his chest. It was as if Kevin read her mind and pulled her toward him. He held onto her as two lovers who had united after years of separation.

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