Jaiden fluff

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(James and Aiden go shopping for new clothes)

"James, we're leaving."

"Okay, I'm coming."

They get in the car on their way to the mall.

Aiden's pov:
I put on my spotify playlist. 'Tonight you are mine' by The Technicolors starts playing. (A/N: This song is so underrated, I recommend listening to it!) James starts giggling at my singing. He's probably adoring me.

I sing the entire song as a bit later we arrive at the mall.

We went inside, we were looking for new clothing for me and both James.

We go into store one. I see this beautiful skirt, I haven't worn one since before I came out. I felt insecure about it a little, but James comforted me.
"You know, that would look good on you. Even better, I'll get one too"

"Please do. You'll probably look good in one."
They both get a skirt and go into the fitting room. They're in the same fitting room, both putting on their skirts. (the fitting rooms are big.)
"You look so good, James!"
"So do you, Aiden!"
"Let's pay for them"

*they pay for the skirts*

"I'm kind of hungry, you wanna get lunch?"

"Sure." I say.

We go to a small cafe and sit down.

The waiter comes to us.

"May I take your order?"
"Of course. Can I get a Latte and a sandwich?" I ask.
"Of course, sir. And for you?"
"Can I get a black coffee and I'd also like a sandwich."
"Alright! coming in a bit."

"I can't believe you drink lattes."
"Hey, they're good okay? Black coffee is just boring"
"No no, it's the only way coffee should be"
(A/N:I disagree, I love lattes)

the waiter comes back
"Here's your coffees and food."
"Thank you."
*They eat their food*
"Alright, what should we do now?"
"we could go to another store."
"I'm kind of tired" I say
"That's okay, we can go home."
"I'd prefer that."

We get back into the car and I put on spotify again. This time 'Reckless Serenade' by Arctic Monkeys plays.(A/N: Another banger)

We get home and I lay down on the couch. James looking at me. I feel my eyes getting heavy and soon enough I'm asleep.

James's pov:

I made sure to empty the bags, remove the tags and put our new clothes in the closet.

I kissed Aiden on his forehead and then went to watch some tiktok on my phone.


They're so cutie patooties. I love them sm😭

- Sander, 425 words.

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