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AN: This is an immediate continuation from the last chapter of  If Not Now, When. 

AN: The 3 main cuss words in my stories are from the SciFi show FARSCAPE. 


"Come with me," Wei said. "We have a lot to do and to decide so we can keep her." He referred to the baby in a basket on their bed. "She'll be hungry soon, and we don't have a bottle except the tiny ones for the puppies."

"What? Didn't you get supplies? That's why you transported to the store in your robes."

"They didn't have bottles or baby stuff. I will go to another store."

"Good cos I have no idea what to get."

Shen Wei kissed Yunlan on the forehead. "I will be right back."

He disappeared and appeared within 20 minutes, with shopping bags and still wearing the black robe and mask.

"I'm afraid I scared the people at the Wings Department store, but on the plus side, no one got in my way and everyone let me check out first." He surprised Zhao with a sly grin he'd rarely seen before and unloaded diapers and pins, bottles, soft blankets, pacifiers, and other baby care items on their bed.

The Black Cloak Envoy stripped off his outfit and changed to sweats. He took Yunlan's hand and pulled him into the kitchen.

"What do you have in mind, Babe?" Yunlan said hoping for some cocoanut oil action. [Take Me Home Part 8 - Multipurpose Kitchen] He raised his eyebrows.

"What are you thinking?! We have to feed the baby and the puppies! We have a LOT of feeding to do."

"Don't forget to feed the cats." Da Qing wandered in and rubbed Yunlan's ankles before heading to the kitchen to sit and watch. He was followed by Frisky who sat politely beside him.

"Yow. Ow. A-h Ah-Ah."

"You will be fed, but be patient Frisky." Wei looked at him fondly.

Yunlan mixed and heated powdered goat milk for the puppies and put it in their little bottles. They started whining and Longwei barked, looking at Yunlan accusingly.

"All right Nanny Longwei, I'm coming," Yunlan chuckled. He got two puppies and started feeding them.

The baby started whimpering and fussing. Wei took the basket and put it on the counter. He mixed up formula and heated it while heating milk with pieces of fish for Da and Frisky with his power.

"Here are your breakfasts, Your Highness and my Frisky friend." Wei put the dishes down on the floor outside of the counter.

"Yow!" Frisky said before lapping the fishy milk.

"Meowing good, Professor," Da confirmed Frisky's comment.

"Here's your breakfast, little girl." Wei took the baby in his arms and sat on the couch to feed her.

"We need to name her," he said looking at the rosy cheeks. She slurped and guzzled the formula loudly, breathing noisily through her nose.

"Wei, we need to figure out how we can legally become her guardians. The authorities will want to take her to foster care before we adopt her, and that could take months."

"I could say I am her uncle and my sister died, so I am the next of kin," Shen suggested. "She left a will granting me custody of her child."

"But that would be lying." Yunlan frowned.

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