52: The Dinner

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Feyre had agreed to at bare minimum ask her sisters for help, which seemed like a start. Rhysand had announced his plan for a meeting with all of the High Lords present. I wanted to object to the idea, but what other choice did we have? We needed to know who would be our allies and who would fight with Hybern. No matter how much spying I did, we needed the formal declaration. I wondered if we would announce Leur's return at the meeting, and the thought of it made me feel sick.

We all split off into different corners of the city, agreeing to meet for dinner.  At Leur's request, we spent the entire afternoon just exploring Velaris. She was so happy, talking with those who remembered her. Nobody seemed to want to ask what had truly happened, and perhaps that was because of me lurking over her shoulder. She paid it no mind, so entranced by her home, her people. She looked so alive today, such a stark contrast to the half-dead girl that had been thrown to the ground at my feet yesterday. Her bruises had almost completely disappeared, and the hallow of her cheeks was already filling out after only a day.

One thing about her that always amazed me was how she managed to shift emotions so quickly. Not a few hours earlier, she had been so angry she was shaking. She threatened Amren's life, of all fucking people, and then just left all that anger behind. She didn't spare it a second thought. I never seemed to be able to do that, my emotions lingering inside of me and poisoning everything I touched. Even now, I was still angry about the comments Amren had made to her and Feyre. The fear I felt as she screamed in the second in command's face had not subsided.

But Leur was practically skipping through the city, all bright smiles and open armed hugs, and I just couldn't fathom how that was possible. It didn't matter, seeing the happiness on her face, seeing her so alive, so at home- it was enough to let me put all of the darkness in the back of my mind.That light inside of her practically shot down the bond, my shadows buzzing with happiness around me as my mate stared down at the Sidra.

Our shadows. A melodic night-kissed voice corrected me.

I remember reading once that when two shadowsingers are mated, their shadows are mated to one another as well. I was so young, a teenager still, and all I could think about was how my shadows practically cried out for Leur's when she was around.

"We should head back." She said, leaning into my side.

I didn't want to take her away from this. I was so sick of this war, and it hadn't even truly begun yet. The last thing in the world I wanted to do was fight a battle when I had more to lose than ever before. I wanted her to stay here where it was safe, where she was happy and free.

"You're not locking me up in the city, Az." She called out my thoughts, never even pulling her eyes away from the view.

I sighed, wrapping myself around her back and pulling her to my chest. My chin rested on the braided pleats at the top of her head as I spoke, "I'm just scared, that's all."

I was pretty positive that was the first time I had ever admitted those words aloud.

"I know." She pressed herself into my chest further, "We will be okay."

I smiled softly, placing a kiss to the top of her head, "Wings or shadows?"

She twisted in my arms, an electric kiss on my lips as I heard her wings flare out behind her. She pulled back, and my eyes met hers before we shot to the sky in sync. Our bodies twirled around one another as we took to the sky, leveling out as we flew next to one another. We twisted and dipped, mirror images of one another, instinct driving us as we soared. My heart was so full in my chest, I thought I might burst with it.

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