97: Revenge

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The King of Hybern did not know what to do with himself.

Twice now, Leur had used his own Cauldron against him. First, to break the blood bargain that kept her in exile. Second, to break that spell he had placed upon her all those years ago. The spell which had been the only thing keeping him safe from her wrath.

But it was gone now.

And I knew my mate well enough to know that she would not stop until she killed him. Judging by what she had done to the ravens... this male was in for a long awaited, brutal death.

Handle the guards. Leur spoke in to Cassian and I, I'll handle him.

The man was just standing there, entirely unsure of what to do. He had rested this entire war upon the Cauldron, and had just learned it is powerless against her. Leur took a few steps around him, circling him like a lioness with her prey. A standoff before the battle, before she unleashed herself.

"I told you to run." She said, blood dripping from her arm in the spot where the Hybern crest used to be.

Black tattoos turned to swirls of gold across her skin, violet eyes switched to pools of light, and her skin began to glow as she raised that ancient sword to him.

"You should have fucking killed me when you had the chance."

And then chaos erupted.

The guards rushed for us as Leur and the King exploded into a clash of power. There was barely anything visible of them, not with the blinding light that flashed through the trees. Cassian snapped the neck the first guard he came across as Leur threw the King so hard that he smashed through a tree.

It was mindless fighting as I plowed through each of the guards. The kind of fight where I was on autopilot, did not need to think. Truth- Teller was a comforting weight in my hand as I took on opponent after opponent, each of them falling at my hands.

There was a flash of pain down the bond as Leur took a hit from the King, something cold and hot all at once ricocheting through her as she forced herself upright again. The Apenati was a ray of golden light in her hand, battling against the ancient power of the Cauldron. The two objects were made for this, made to be wielded against one another. Ancient spells of creation and centuries long fueds came to a head as my mate battled him.

Another guard died as I stabbed my blade through the side of his neck, his blood spraying across my face as I ripped it back out again. Another tried to go for my wings, his sword slicing through the air towards the delicate skin. I twisted into the air, kicking him down with a blow to his chest.

I kindly absolved him of his head with a clean cut from Gwydion in repayment for that act.

In the distance, another tree was smashed to pieces. I had no idea who had been thrown that time, could barely distinguish the crunch of bone from the splintering of the wood. I caught sight of the King grabbing Leur by her armored top and attempting to throw her to the ground. He earned a kick to the groin instead, and Leur wasted no time in turning the tides and smashing his face into the side of a boulder nearby.

Nesta joined the fray at some point, precise strikes of silver flames ripping the life from each soldier she aimed at. Whatever training Leur had given her paid off as they disappeared into thin air.

Another glance in Leur's direction showed her growling as the King managed to shoot a beam of white light cut with smoke her way, only to be met with a ray of gold and violet all at once. I watched as that Solarean power merged with her Night Court power- a shining expanse of everything she was at war with pure evil.

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