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Gina and Lila had not talked about the kiss between them. Lila had wanted to kiss her friend for years but now that she'd done it she wanted to do it all the time. Gina on the other hand was afraid that if she admitted to liking the kiss they could never go back. She was known to mess up relationships, or at least that's what her ex told her. There relationship had lasted three years. He'd been her high school sweethearts. She was the head of the school newspaper and he was the star jock. He'd cheated on her saying that if she wasn't working so much he wouldn't have needed to cheat.  

Now here she was falling for her best friend knowing she was too a broken workaholic.  She hated herself for it she couldn't do that to Lila. She was at work when Lila came to bring her lunch as a surprise. She brought her favorite food. A sushi platter from Kim lee's. 

"You know you didn't have to do this " Gina said hugging her friend. 

"Well I figured we could eat and talk about what happened " Lila said she setting the takeaway counters. 

They ate for a moment before Lila lifted Gina's chin. "You haven't looked at me once since we sat down " Lila said scanning Gina's face. 

She looked shy and nervous. "So cute" was all she could think to herself. 

"You are fine with me you know that right " Lila said.

"We kissed and I like it but I can't do that to you you're my best friend and I'm broken " Gina said quietly. 

"Is that what that price of shit ex told you " 

"You know what I've been through you were there "

Tw: death flashback

Gina and Lila were having a sleepover the night she saw her sister Bailey die. It was five years earlier. It was in June and Bailey had come home from college a week before. Within that week several phone calls had come for her from a stranger. On that Friday night the two girls woke to her screaming. They rushed into her room to find her on the bed with a knife nearby. She was holding her neck and wet gasps filled the room.  Gina ran to her sister putting her hands over her sister's open throat.  

"Bailey hold on okay I'm here please just hold on " she told her sister 

Lila called the cops crying as she watched the sisters. Ten minutes before the emergency services arrived the elder sister gave what could only be described as a death rattle.  As she did the a tear fell from her eyes and s shut them. Gina's head fell on her sister's chest and she screamed and cried begging her to come back. 

Tw over 

Lila looked at her best friend and potential lover. There was a cloud in her eyes. She knew she was reliving those moments.  She couldn't stop herself as she kissed her head.  "Darling you are not broken what happened to that night wasn't on you and neither is your reaction  it's normal " Lila said

"Okay but I'm also busy " 

"So am I so what "

"We can't go back and and if I lose you... I can't... I won't "

"No matter what you do or say I would never leave please just give me a chance "

Gina bit her lip and tried to come up with a reason not to go there with her best friend. "Alright " Gina whispered.

"Come to my place tonight I'm cooking for you " Lila said.

"Lila don't do that thing you do " 

"What thing "

"Going overboard "

"Hush and eat little girl "

Gina blushed and ate her sushi her eyes on her best friend who looked about ready to eat her.

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