21- Team

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Till now every one in the house have woken up.

The guest ( Yuvaan , Anaisha , Preeti, Reet,Aditya, Shekhar) were about to leave the house.

"Thanks a lot Mam and Sir for helping us." says Anaisha while hugging the three DIL.

They all move out of the house when Kayra notice  that something has fallen down from Yuvaan's bag.

She picked up the paper and start reading it.

"Another day of me being with her staying with her. But the only difference is for her 'we' are just fake dating but for me .. Its everything.

I try. I really try so hard not to fall for her. For ' My Treasure'  but this stupid heart of mine is not understanding it.

I know all this is just temporary but how do i tell my heart that now i want her permanent booking in my life. I might look normal , rude arrogant and what not but no one knows the actual 'Yuvaan Rathore.'

It might sound stupid or silly but now i can't even imagine a moment without her.

The way she smile is just so pleasing , the way she wrinkle her nose makes her look more cute.!!

Ohh my treasure i wish i could tell you how much you mean to me. I wish i could tell you how much i love you.

Yeah, 'love' you heard it right . The guy who refuse to ever say the 'Love' word is confessing to you. But i know this love of my is not enough. I want you to love me too. I want you to feel me too.

Anaisha, you have my heart . I may not show you that i love you but  i do. I Do Love You!!!!

Yuv.      "

As soon as she read the letter she realise that this guy is in love with her.

They all move out of the house while Kayra call Yuvaan.

"You called me?"

" Here take it, ummmm..sorry i read it. But trust me you will surely make her fall in love with you." She said while he just smile in return.
After bidding them bye the six of them enter in the Mansion.

Today all of the elders of the family is returning home so today all of them took a leave.

The three of them were engross in the kitchen while Kayra notice Shraddha red cheeks.

She diverted her eyes and found Rudransh standing at the door looking at his wife.

Kayra then pass a look to Ishika to look at Shraddha's blushy face.

" Aankhon ki gustakiyaan maaf ho." Kayra and Ishika sang in union making the Couple more red.

Rudransh clear his throat and move from the door and walk into the hall where Rohan and Manas were present.

"Ohho something something" Kayra said teasingly while looking at Shraddha.

"Nothing na. Shut up or May i call your Dear Husband." Shraddha said with a smirk making Kayra sight in disblief.

"Ouch, You hurt me. Now my dil is darding" she said dramatically making the other two laugh.

" Who's dil is darding?" came Rohan voice from outside the kitchen.

"It's Kayra" Shraddha answer while he make a 'O'

"Don't worry bhabs I am with you. I will call Manas if your dil will start darding again!" he said while side hugging Kayra.

"Only you understand me. You are my favourite" Kayra said while looking at Ishika and Shraddha.

"Bitch-- I mean bechari. You are so much dhokhebaaz . I am your favourite and i will be your favourite." Ishika said looking at kayra but soon realise that Rohan is also there so she bit her tongue .

" Nhi my favourite is Rohan." Kayra said making the other two look at her in disbelief

"You are my favourite Bhabs."

" Stay away from her you Pokemon" came Manas voice from behind.

" Pokemon." Ishika said and start laughing .

"If he is pokemon then who are you. Hulk!?" And here we go came Rudransh voice from behind Manas.

"Bhaiiii" Manas whined .

" Wow, Hulk." Kayra laugh while Manas stare at her with killing look in his eyes.

" Ohh Bhabhi you know who is bhai.!?" Rohan said and was about to speak the name but Rudransh close his mouth from his hand.

" He is Bull dog" Manas said instead of Rohan and at that moment Rudransh wish to disappear because after hearing the name Shraddha start laughing along with the other.

"You don't you think you are acting too smart. " Rudransh said to Manas and chase in his direction to beat the hell out of him but Manas hid himself behind Shraddha.

"Don't you dare to touch him." Shraddha said while looking at Rudransh while Manas smile in victory.

"Bhabhi you know you are the best." Manas said and like Kayra and Rohan he also side hug Shraddha .

"Ohh Wow so you guys are team up . Great" Rudransh said looking at his wife and his brothers who were giving him victory smirk.

"Bhai I am in your team." Said Ishika while Rohan look at her in disbelief.

"Thankyou Ishika , only you understand me unlike other" Rudransh said while passing the betrayal look to Shraddha.
Till now the elders  have arrived and currently the three DIL were serving them the food items(lunch).

But today Ishika was sitting beside Rudransh , Shraddha was sitting beside Manas and on the other side Kayra and Rohan were sitting.

They all are passing glare to each other like they are some 5 year old kid.
       [   Spoiler  ]

" Bhai  mai bol rhi hoon. Rohan and Kayra are so strong they will win" Ishika whisper.

"You are talking about Rohan and Kayra . Just look at this Hulk and Chuhiya"

"I heard it Rudransh. And wait why did you call me Chuhiya!!?" Shraddha asked while Manas tried his best to control his laugh.

" Hwwwwwwwww!! Chuhiya" Rohan and Kayra said in union while Rudransh pass them his dangerous glare.

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I know the chapter is short so sorry for short chapter.

Nd nd nd next update soon.( if mai zinda rhi toh. Cuz maybe aaj mera result ho:( 

Chlo bye

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