Chapter 23 - Check Mate

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House's long strides took him through the hospital's hallways like a torpedo, some staff members barely managing to maneuver themselves out of his way as he passed yelling "Move!" At them and leaving  them confused and flattened in his wake. 

His leg burned, crying for attention, but he ignored it as he pushed through the automatic doors leading to the entrance walkway before they were even fully open. The relentless rain had turned the world outside into a monochrome blend of gray, the hospital's walls standing as a lone fortress against the downpour. Yet the air was hot and heavy and smelt like heat. Squinting through the sheets of water, House cast his eyes across the people, searching.

There was no way he was going to find her in this. There was too many people and it was too drenched...this was a waste of time.

Furious with himself he turned back to go back into the building and out of the corner of his eye only just spotted a lone figure sitting a few meters away in one of the benched Perspex shelters in the pick up area.

She wore the jeans and skater boy t shirt from her last escape attempt he noted but no coat, the Perspex roof and sides providing her shelter from the rain. She seemed calm, almost serene, amidst the chaotic weather. He couldn't believe his luck!

"Hey!" He yelled at her.  His voice literally drowned out in the rain. He glanced upwards at the sheets of gray cloud then back at her. With a heavy sigh, House turned the collar of his jacket up, hunched his shoulders and hurried towards her.

Arin sat watching the water rolling down the clear walls, waiting for Hector. The sound of hurried footsteps caused her to look up just as the new arrival in her space shook off the water from his hair. She sighed and raised her eyebrows as she recognised him. "you're really committed to this, huh?"

House turned his collar down again and ignored her question, opting instead to say "And where exactly do you think you're going?" He gave her a clinical look up and down. She was damp, the baggy black shirt clinging to her where the rain had soaked through and her hair was wet. Her cheeks were flushed a deep pink colour. Great. He thought. Just great. 

After a few seconds Arin gave another sigh, this confrontation was inevitable it seemed.She turned, met House's piercing gaze and with a mixture of determination and trepidation said "I'd have thought that was obvious and if you've tracked me here then you know by now I signed out and I'm going home."

House gave a short, mirthless sort of disbelieving laugh. "Bzzzzt wrong answer kiddo. You're not going anywhere other than to an exam table in that hospital and maybe if your lucky a first class trip back to bed!" He declared.

Arin swallowed once as if this had been what she expected and raised an eyebrow. "I'm serious. I'm going home. I don't need any more tests."

He gave her another look up and down. "Uhh you sure about that? I'm serious too. Now come back inside with me." He made a sweeping gesture with his free hand. A sort of let's go movement that she ignored.

"I mean it House, I'm going home.  I figured it out."

The older man scoffed, a smirk playing on his lips. "Figured what out? Figured out how to irritate me before 9am? Figured out that you skipped out on your meds this morning and it's showing? Or figured out that you are now sitting in the rain like a drowned rat?"

Undeterred, Arin scowled at him and shot back, "if you're going to be like this then I'm not going to bother talking with you anymore. I'm going home and there's nothing you can say that is going to change my mind. I'm leaving on my terms." She turned away from him, could hear her heart thundering in her chest but forced herself to be calm. The sound of the rain helped, she focused on the drumming of that outside the shelter instead.

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