Chapter Thirteen- Wanderlust

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Chapter Thirteen- Wanderlust

The jeans and T-shirt were too big. Even with the belt she wore to its tightest notch she had still to pull them up and had been forced to turn up the bottoms three times for her converse to peek out. The black Quicksilver T-shirt was large and loose at the neck and kept sliding down her shoulder slightly so her bra strap was on display. The dark colour of the garments that were clearly not hers made her look paler and slightly washed out. She didn't care one iota for any of these fashion faux pas. The fact that the tall boy beside her had brought her something to change into that wasn't the hospital gown or the clothes Robyn had forced her into the day before, made her feel a million times better.

In fact, as she walked beside her companion and sipped at the bubbly liquid in her hand, she felt the best she had since before this whole saga had begun. The drink was cool and soothing. Zen had been sweet rather than grumpy with her and the tests were done now. She felt sure that House had insisted that only one of his team had come to deal with her that morning. She wasn't sure how to feel about it but was sort of grateful. It made it easier to deal with. She had felt groggy from the medication the nurse had given her and Cameron had been very kind and efficient. She glanced down to the taped gauze on her arm and considered the crazy Doctor. Why had he done that?

For a little while she had sat considering that and then growing Tired of bed she had asked the nurse if she could go for a walk with Zen. The woman had agreed so long as she stayed inside the building. That was fine. She was on the clock, counting down the small increments of time till her release.

As they walked along the corridor from the hunt for working vending machines (that had ironically started the whole thing off the day before) Arin couldn't help but smile.

Looking at her the boy returned the smile with one of his own. "I'm glad you are feeling better." He told her and leaned in for a kiss.

Arin returned the kiss and nodded. "I'm sorry about yesterday..." she stopped as he held a hand up. Apparently the explanation was unneeded a second time.

Looking down Arin considered the clothes she now wore and frowned at the streak of orange on the otherwise dark top, "ugh these plants are everywhere just now. They were in the mall, in here..." she dusted the pollen off of herself vigorously and shook her head at the smudge it left behind. Not enough for anyone but her to notice but it annoyed her nonetheless. She dusted her hands off and scowled at him while he laughed."What! What's funny?" She demanded but smiled.

"You," he told her, chuckling and putting an arm around her. "That's an old T-shirt, it's fine."

Together they walked back to the room pausing only to notice that Robyn was now alone, her mother off on a call somewhere with some sort of emergency at the designers she ran. Instead of going into Arin's room they both chose to go in.

Climbing up onto the end of her friend's bed Arin crossed her legs and made a face while Zen passed the girl a grape soda. "You'd have thought your parents would have brought you something else less hospital sheek than that gown." She teased.

Robyn made a properly disgusted face. "Apparently it's easier for the doctors to examine me in this and that it's rude to bring your own clothes in when they need to control the environment in order to promote healing."

Arin chuckled and zen laughed as he settled down in the visitors chair beside the bed. Robyn looked up at Arin sheepishly, "you're...not mad I told Doctor House about you are you Arin?" She asked.

Arin sighed deeply and looking at the pathetic puppy dog eyes of her raven haired friend. She relaxed her body language. "No," she said, a half truth, "I'm not mad."

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