|1|Sweet introduction

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January 2028 - 7:45 p.m.

"Girl, I'm holding in one of these farts!" Jai complained in my ears while everyone else in the gigantic and bright gym stretched. "If I let it out right now, half of y'all will pass out. It's definitely going to smell like eggs."

Oh lawd.

"You're so disgusting!" I whined, pinching my nose in anticipation while laughing.

"What? I'm just being honest!" She laughed, holding her thighs tightly together so the fart wouldn't find a way to get out of her booty hole.

But I knew better than to not take her seriously. Everyone who knew Jai knew that her farts were always deadly.

"Alright, girls!" I exclaimed, getting back to serious matters. "If you practice at home like I told you to these past few weeks, we might have a shot to win The Winners' championship! I really want us to do this; we've worked so hard these past two years, and the college is counting on us! Let's not deceive them. We have been trying to win this championship for years and every time, The Bears are the ones winning the championship. We can't let it happen again this year. We need to be prepared."

No way I'll hear Jayda Roland and her b*tch ass bragging about her team winning again this year.

Portia raised her hand carefully. "Are you sure that we're prepared enough? I feel like... I don't know, I'm not sure we can win."

I shot a disappointed look to Portia, and my lips pinched together. I wasn't laughing anymore. "Yes, Portia. I know we can do this. I know all the girls in this room also know that we can do this. If you truly don't believe that we have what it takes to do it, then feel free to leave. I won't have anyone on this team with this kind of mentality."

Portia's eyes shut down as her hands locked together in anxiety. I knew I was putting her on the spot, but I had to clarify this. This was a winning team, not a losing one.

"That's what I thought," I stated. "Anybody else here who has doubts about us as a team? Feel free to say it right now! I only want winners in this team. If you feel like a loser, now is the time to say so because we will be practicing non-stop to win this thing."

There was a meaningful silence in the room. Everybody understood what I meant.

"Great." I clapped my hands together.

"You know what," I added after a few seconds. "Your intervention made me think of something, Portia. While I don't believe that we don't have what it takes to do this, I do still want to take in your ideas. I'll leave you until tomorrow at 9. p.m. to text me your innovative thinking about our team and what you think should be changed about it, etc."

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