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January 2028 - Day of the championship

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January 2028 - Day of the championship

Jai guided me throughout the sports center, telling me to keep my blindfold on so I wouldn't spoil the surprise. I trusted Jai and I knew she would never put me in an uncomfortable position, but I was starting to get impatient. We'd been walking for what seemed like forever and I couldn't even hear all the noises coming from the field anymore.

And her having me blindfolded didn't make any of this better. What kind of surprise was it? In all of our years of friendship, Jai never blindfolded me to give me a gift. She would always give it to my dad so he could give it to me. This whole 'surprise' thing was kind of unexpected.

"Where are the girls?" I asked, still being pushed by Jai.

"They're coming soon. They had to take... Something. That I forgot to take. For your surprise."

A warning signal resonated in my whole body, and I felt my heart beating faster. This whole situation was strange. Jai wasn't her usual witty and cheerful self. She was acting almost... Erratically.

This must be one hell of a surprise, damn.

We finally stopped in our tracks, and I felt Jai pushing me gently. We were entering a room, I was sure of it. She took off my blindfold. I was just now realizing she used the purple scarf that I gave her for her 14th birthday.

"I'm sorry..." She stated behind me, a hint of culpability in her voice. "I had to."

I slowly opened my eyes and blinked rapidly, trying to adjust my sight to the sudden extreme bright light.

I first noticed a black classic pants, and then some All-star black and white converses.


"I- August? What are you doing here?" I inquired, staring at the beautiful tall man with wavy hair.

August didn't answer; he only stared at me politely, as if I were a stranger he was meeting for the first time. I raised a brow in wonder.

"Did you really have to blindfold her?" August asked Jai, looking at her as if she was the dumbest person alive.

Jai sighed dramatically, waving her hands all around her. "I'm sorry, okay! I had a lot of pressure and it's the only thing I could think of. Boy, what else was I supposed to do?"

August smiled sarcastically. "I don't know, text her to join us here, like a normal person would."

"Shut up," she hissed at August. "I didn't wanna risk her seeing another enchanted being."

Enchanted being? What in the world...?

"Wait! Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on here?" I narrowed my eyes.

I stared at Jai, my eyes confused and demanding. I didn't want to look at August because I was too shocked to see him here. I didn't know what to expect from this whole situation.

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