|6|Maybe they were right

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February 1754 - 2:37 p.m.

"You can't get away with this! I must expose all of you! And let it be known that you did everything in your power to protect that despicable monster!" The young lady shouted as soldiers restrained her, her dark and silky hair all tangled in a ball of dejection. Contained tears were clouding her gray eyes, and she was holding tightly the one thing that made her believe in love.

"Now now, Giselle. Why would you do such a thing?" The man standing in front of her asked, smiling. It wasn't a genuine or sincere smile.

It was a smile which made her a promise.

She was going to die.

February 2028 - 6:23 p

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February 2028 - 6:23 p.m.

"And one, two, three, four... Dang it. This isn't working at all."

I let my body fall onto my bed, sighing. It had been three hours since I was trying to create a new routine for the regionals coming up in six months, but I just couldn't find anything remotely decent.

I had been trying to find some good moves for the routine all week, but nothing good was coming out of it. It didn't help that Jai and I weren't talking anymore.  She was usually the one helping me with the routine when I just couldn't find anything. She had a very creative mind, and her ideas were always helpful.

She had tried to reach out to me plenty of times during the week, but I didn't answer any of her texts. When she would try to talk to me at school, I would change direction so I could avoid her. I had explicitly told the girls that I didn't want to talk to her or listen to her explanations.

There was simply nothing to listen to. Jai had lost it, and I had to figure out what appeared to be the right thing to do so I could help her. I was still torn between calling her parents or just simply bringing her to a hospital.

Calling her parents seemed more appropriate, to say the least. They had the right to know what was going on. But then, what would happen after? I didn't want to be separated from Jai.

I knew she would be mad at me. Jai didn't like it when I invaded her business, yet she always invaded mine.

I found myself having nightmares during the last two weeks, dreaming about the man who attacked me the other night. In those dreams, he beat me, attacked my dad or even tortured Jai and I. My subconscious had him stalking the people I loved. I woke up with cold sweats every night, breathing heavily and feeling helpless.

Because how could I even believe what she told me? That I wasn't... human, that she wasn't human either?

It was all too crazy. I refused to believe this. This was insanity.

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