Do You Believe In Destiny?

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8-Bit POV
Rico and I were spending some time at the arcade with Gus, and we were all playing an extremely exciting arcade game on one of the machines when Rico brought up an interesting subject. "Hey guys, don't you feel lonely sometimes?" Rico asked us as we finished a long and exhausting battle at the arcade game, Space Pirates. "Like...there isn't anything that you truly love...something that makes you want to live your life to the fullest?"

"Yeah," I admitted. "I've been searching high and low, for so long...but it just seems like that isn't anyone who's the right one."

There was a moment of silence as Gus clinked another coin into the machine, before he questioned, "Then, do you believe that one day you'll find the one? The one who makes you happy, safe...the perfect one? Do you believe in destiny?"

"Truth be told, I'm losing confidence everyday," I murmured softly. "But I've learned never to give up hope. So, yeah, no matter how small the hope I have left, no matter how many days pass, I'll still believe in destiny. But how about you guys?"

"I think I've already met my one," Rico said dreamily. "Piper's like, the perfect girl...but I just wish I could express my feelings for her as easily as everyone else. Even going to her bakery and talking to her, makes me all nervous and sweaty..."

"Same here," Gus agreed with the same tone. "I just wish it's easy for me to confess to Bonnie, to be able to stand there by her side without tripping over my words. Every time I see her at the Stunt Show, I just feel like I'm missing out on something big. But no matter what, I can't bring myself to say just a few coherent words to her. She's"

"You guys are lucky, you've already found someone that made you fall head over heels in love. I'm still too far behind to see anything in front of me—too messed up to get a clear view of my destiny," I lamented. "But until the day comes...I'll just have to be patient and trust that she will come, as fast as she possibly can."

8-Bit x Max : As Fast As She CanWhere stories live. Discover now