Love At First Sight

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8-Bit POV
Whoa, I thought. Ok, keep it cool.

Rico did that for me as he rushed over to greet the pretty girl, asking, "Hey Max, what's up? You too, Surge! And Meg, what about you?"

Max seemed a little fazed, so Surge answered, "Good, thanks! Max is kinda distracted and head-over-heels at the moment."

"Huh? What?" Max burst out. "No, no, no!"

"Keep cool, gal!" Rico teased. "These are my friends, Gus and 8-Bit."

"Hi!" Gus greeted warmly. "Nice to meet you guys!" He shook Max's hand, who then turned to me, turning a little red. But I assumed it was from the nerves and anxiety.

I, too, was blushing slightly as I waved to Max and stammered, "Uh..hi. I—I'm 8-Bit."

"Nice to meet you!" Max answered. "Hey, um...Rico, you wanna, a meet sometimes! The six of us, for lunch? Maybe?"

"Sure!" Rico cheered. "We should catch up soon—I'll text you more details soon. We'll be glad to meet up with you guys!" I noticed Rico had winked at me, causing me to turn away.

"Well then, um...goodbye!" Max said hurriedly, rushing off.

"You were wrong, 8-Bit!" Gus teased. "The next one was the one!"

"Huh? What?" I stammered, blushing furiously. "No, no, I—"

"Come on, bro! We could see it from your eyes!" Rico laughed.

"Ok, fine," I admitted. "Maybe I like her, but she doesn't feel the same. So don't say anything, okay?"

"Ok!" Gus said, followed by an overly dramatic wink.

The whole back, Rico and Gus were chiming, "Love at first sight!" as I walked in silence, thoughts racing through my mind.

"Hey, told you the guy would be special!" Meg whooped as she continued, "I knew I would be right that time!"

"What do you mean?" I blushed. "8-Bit's just a friend."

"How did you know who we were talking about? You must have him in your heart this whole time!" Surge countered teasingly.

Shoot. Fell for their trap. Usually I was smarter than this, but 8-Bit had really shook me to a mess. Thoughts were racing through my mind, echoing themselves loudly and deafeningly.

"Ok, fine," I murmured. "I'm feeling something weird, but don't tease me about it, okay? I need to figure it out...and for all I know, this could be another rejection, depression and heartbreak..."

Surge and Meg looked at each other, then laughed, "Love at first sight!"

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