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"Terrible!" I finished my thought out loud. "No, I can't! I can't talk to him—he's just going to be another heartbreaker. He's just going to make me fall again. Please, no..."

Meg settled down beside me as Surge gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Max," Meg finally said. "8-Bit isn't just another heartbreaker. He's your perfect one, if you're willing to believe in that. He's the one that hat you will be happy with for the rest of your life, the one who will pick you up whenever you fall. So don't go, 'Please, no', and give it a shot. Because, if you miss your chance, you're going to regret it. For the rest of your life. So, please don't go into panic mode, and try to see the future in front of you."

It took me several seconds to calm down, followed by another hundred to realise Meg was right. 8-Bit was the first person who had made me feel this way in a long time. One that was cute, yet not intimidated by me. One that I treated like an equal, and one who treated me as an equal.

Maybe it was worth a shot. It didn't matter if I fell again. This time, I would do my best to succeed. Because 8-Bit was something I would gladly take risks for.

8-Bit POV
"What?" I gasped, frozen in shock, fear, anxiety...too many emotions were pounding through my system, too fast for me to process.

"So, what do you say?" Gus said listlessly, as if he was devoid of any emotions. Oh, shoot, he was.

"Yes! No! I...I don't know," I gushed. "This is so complicated! Why did you do this? I don't want to risk my friendship with Max just for something that probably won't work out! Please don't do this to me..."

Rico put out a hand in the universal stop sign, before murmuring softly, "8-Bit, she's the one. Your brain will not believe it, but your heart does, even your subconscious does. So for this, just trust us, okay? You'll see, this is the one. And you won't have any regrets here. After this, your instincts will lead the way, to your destiny. Maybe you're not ready. But take this as a nudge from fate. It knows better than any of us do."

As I went home that night, thoughts were racing through my brain, my heart palpitating like crazy. But as I stared up at the midnight sky, I saw a golden sunbird, shining brightly as if it was made of light. And as it swooped overhead, I realised maybe Rico and Gus were right. Maybe destiny was giving me push. I just had to trust it.

8-Bit x Max : As Fast As She CanWhere stories live. Discover now