Dying in Love

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Uhm angst/tragedy is all ya need to know

Angel Dust was sitting on the ground in Valentino's porn studio. He didn't know how this happened. He didn't know what was happening or why his stomach felt like it was fucking burning. Husk was here too, somehow. Angel didn't know anything, really. Everything happened too fast, too sudden. He remembers... a gunshot? Yes! A gunshot.

The gun shots, where did they come from? A gun, obviously. A long barrel pink one. With glitter. Valentino? Yes, Valentino was the one shooting. Was he shooting at him? No, no he wasn't. He remembers now. The ringing in his ears has faded now.

The gun was pointed towards Husk. Valentino tried to shoot Husk. But Angel jumped in front of him. He took the bullet for him. That's why he was sitting on the floor, his abdomen in pain and bleeding. That's why blood was pouring from his mouth uncontrollably. The red metallic liquid had filled his mouth and poured out to the ground. While there was an angelic bullet lodged into his flesh.

His cheeks were wet as well. Was he crying? No, he is crying. Breathing shallow, Angel Dust fell to the ground with a thud. He looked to his side, he looked for Val. He looked for Husk. What had happened in that time frame of shock and ear ringing? It wasn't long until he found Val's reddish pink wings-coat. When he saw them, Valentino had the advantage. His hand clutching the feline's neck, the same gun pressed his stomach. "No..." Angel's voice came out hoarse with blood, just below a whisper. He moved his hand towards them, but he ultimately had no energy to really move his body.

It was in vain, as three gunshots were heard. They seemed to echo and ring louder than the gunshot from before. "No, fuckin shit," was all Angel could mutter out. Silence followed, but the ringing was still there. Angel closed his eyes tightly, pressing more tears out. He moaned. This time, not out of pleasure. Only pain.

".. Anthony?" The spider opened his eyes at the sound of his name, his real name, being spoken. His eyes were meant with frantic black and gold cat ones. Relief filled his face that was replaced with bitter sadness.

"Husk?! Husk, oh my god," Angel breathed out as he put his hands up to cup his kitty's face. Husk was now bleeding from three different spots on his chest and abdomen, the shine of angelic bullets could faintly be seen. Angel teared up even more when he saw the wounds as his mind came to another conclusion. He was dying. And he was too.

"Y-your," Angel started but white claws caressed his face, wiping tears and shutting down any words that could've been said. Husk's eyes were glossy and his pupils were dilated. His lips were turned into a sad smile.

"It's okay," he took a shallow breath, "we're going to be okay," he purred softly though they both knew nothing was okay. They were both dying, there was no way that either of them could be saved. They were dying for the second time and they weren't going to come back this time.

Angel allowed himself to believe the obvious lie. That everything would be okay, that maybe this was just a dream and he'd wake up with Husk sleeping next to him, cuddling into his chest fur like the adorable cat he was. He matched his kitty's smile as they both held each other's faces in their hands.

The only thing Husk was focused on was making sure his loved one was comfortable in his last moments. His entire body shook from the blood loss but nothing was going to stop him from spending his last moments with him.

Husk's face inched closer to him, whispering, "I love you so much," before kissing Ange- no, Anthony, for the very last time. The pink spider put all of his energy and ever leaving strength into kissing him back. Filled with passion, love, and bittersweet happiness.

Their lips stayed together desperately, not wanting to let go of the other's lips that were on theirs. But Anthony was running out of breath, quickly. Too quick. Too fast. He ignored his screaming lungs and instead kissed harder, not wanting to leave. The same was for Husk, he was afraid the second his lips left he'd be gone already.

Regardless of what both wanted, they eventually separated. Anthony held Husk close to him, arms shaking. He took a deep breath that shook more than he would've liked, his eyelids were starting to get heavier. In his last breath, he whispered slowly, "I.. love you...too..." his eyes closed and his face fell.

His whole body fell, his lungs and heart included. His gaping wound was still oozing with useless blood, staining Husk's already bloody fur. He kissed his boyfriend on his forehead before falling on his back, staring at the ceiling with hazy vision. His limbs were going numb and it was getting incredibly hard to breathe.

Tears were falling down his face but he paid no attention to them. They didn't matter, they couldn't fix this. It's not like this was the first time he was slowly bleeding out and dying, he just wouldn't wake up this time. Sounds fun. Husk chuckled at his dry humor, feeling his vision go out.

He turned his head back to the dead beauty next to him. He slowly grabbed his hand, and clutched it. He hoped to get buried with the one person he truly loved the most, though he wished to have gone out better. Husk took his last breath and closed his eyes. As he faded out of existence, he thought about the way Anthony would smile at him. Him. That beautiful, unique, genuine smile was only for him.

I have proposal for those who might want it, would u like a happy ending to this? I'll post it like a part 2 and it'll be short like this one but I have an idea and I can write it out.. if u want 👀

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