Mysterious Snuggles

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Just a little fluff drabble here for y'all, just huskerdust's children (Niffty and Fat Nuggets) being two silly little shits 🥰

The sun beamed through the window, signaling the morning has come and it's time to wake up. The sun hit Angel's face, waking him up. It was kinda hard to move though, there was a weight on him. Was it Fat Nuggets? He looked around and saw Fat Nuggets sleeping by the end of the bed. Then what was the...? 

Angel finally looked down at the weight and saw Husk fast asleep on his chest. 'Shit not again...' Angel thought to himself as he physically cringed. As gentle as he could to not wake the kitten up, he navigated and removed himself from Husk's grasp. It was hard as fuck, but possible. Angel let out a sigh of relief before picking up Fat Nuggets from the bed and leaving quickly. 

Angel doesn't know what's up with Fat Nuggets but he's been doing this thing for about two weeks now. He can't sleep with just Angel anymore, he has to sleep with Husk too. But every time they sleep in the same bed they wake up in each other's arms, all snuggled up and comfortable. Its fucking embarrassing but if Angel tries sleeping on his own with only Fat Nuggets, the pig will squeal and squeal and squeal nonstop until Husk joins them. 

At first, they thought maybe the pig just wants warmth only two people can provide. So, logically, they gave him to Charlie and Vaggie since they already sleep together, it should provide that warmth the pig wants. 

But nope, that pig squealed until Charlie gave him back to Angel, which continued to squeal until Husk was in the picture as well. 

Maybe it just really likes Husk, Angel thought, so he gave him to Husk. Have the pig sleep with Husk since he seems to like him so much. 

That didn't work either. Again, Nuggs squealed and squealed until Angel was in that bed with them. It was the weirdest shit. Even when they slept all the way to the edge of the bed, away from each other, they still ended up in each other's arms the next morning. Just to keep things somewhat normal between them, Angel had to wake up earlier just to get away from the crime scene. 

Angel ranted this to Cherri while they were committing arson on random buildings. 

"Sounds like you like Husk's warmth more than the pig," Cherri teased as she threw another bomb at a burning building. Angel blushed lightly before flicking Cherri in the cheek. 

"Shut up, no I don't! I don't even know why I cuddle him in my sleep but it ain't my fault!" Angel defended as he lit up some dynamite and threw it towards the burning rumble. It blew up as he sipped on his fruit punch. 

"Well then don't sleep! Or, you can accept you love being Husk's cuddle buddy. Problem solved," Cherri shrugged as she drank some water. 

"No, ain't nothin' to accept! And you're not helpin'!" Angel pulled the pin on a grenade and threw it at a bystander. 

"What do you expect to do?! Throw Nuggs out?" Cherri joked slightly, in which Angel punched her shoulder. 

"Hell no, are ya fuckin' insane?!" He said, baffled. Cherri laughed as she threw a bomb at an unsuspecting building. People screamed, but then started shooting at the friends with shotguns. 

"Oop, that's our cue!" Cherri chuckled as she quickly picked up her shit with Angel and they ran away from the crime. Angel gets no help from the latter.  


Angel was laid down in Husk's bed once again, not getting Fat Nuggets to cooperate this time either. He was fast asleep before he felt his arms being nudged. He opened his eyes to see what was happening. 

"Nuggs..?" He called out as he saw the little hell pig moving around his arms to wrap around Husk with his snout. The pig squealed in surprise and immediately stopped what he was doing. 'FUCK! I've been caught red-handed!' Fat Nuggets thought to himself. 

"Uh oh." Niffty said as she appeared behind a sleeping Husk. She was frowning and had started to sweat as she heard Angel's voice. "We can explain!" She said as Angel stared at them in confusion. But before he could utter a word, Fat Nuggets ran out of the room and Niffty followed close behind, yelling, "Abort mission! I repeat, abort the mission!" Fat Nuggets thinking the same. 

Angel watched them leave, completely dumbfounded. Before he burst out laughing, Husk somehow did not wake up from it. 

That's why Nuggs wanted them both to sleep together, it all made sense! The little matchmakers.. and the fact Niffty was in on it too?! 

As Angel calmed down, he sighed and looked at Husk, knocked out and sleeping like a little kitty. It was fucking adorable. And Cherri was right, he was very warm and comfy. 'Well... gotta give the people what they want..' he thought to himself with a light blush as he held Husk and snuggled into him. In his sleep, Husk's wings covered them and he nudged into him like a cat, rubbing his head against him and purring softly. 

Angel's eyes turned into stars and his eyes almost watered, he smiled and almost held him closer. Blush spread across his face but he couldn't give two shits, he just witnessed the cutest thing and the world and he was never going to see Husk the same way ever again. 

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