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"Damon, turn that shit off!" Isabella screamed from upstairs as she sat up in her bed. The Salvatore sister waited to hear the music grow soft, but instead she heard the music only get louder. Isabella groaned as she got out of bed and stomped her way down the stairs and into the kitchen. "I'm going to stab you." She threatened as she grabbed a knife off of the kitchen counter.

Damon turned around with a bowl of pancake mix in his hand. "Well good morning to you too, sunshine."  He smirked at his little sister as she held the knife towards him. "You aren't going to kill me, little sis." He challenged Isabella. "We all know I'm your favorite brother."

Isabella groaned. "Those daggers Klaus uses on his siblings would be really helpful right now." She glared at her brother.

"You would dagger me?" Damon gasped, acting offended even though Isabella had threatened him thousands of times throughout their lives.

"You wouldn't be dead dead, you would just be taking a very long nap." Isabella smiled as she looked at what her older brother was doing. "And you don't cook, so why are you cooking?" She asked, remembering the last time Damon attempted to cook.

"Well since we're in hell, I decided to pick up some new hobbies." Damon smiled as he continued to stir the pancake mix. "Now go, I need to stay focused." Damon waved his arm at his little sister as she rolled her eyes and grabbed a carton of cigarettes from the table.

Isabella walked outside and brought a cigarette to her lips. She let the smoke surround her as she stared into the woods in front of her. As Isabella looked around the woods, she saw something or someone move from behind a tree. The vampire sighed as she started to walk towards the woods. "Good morning, Isabella." Bonnie cheered as she walked up the driveway.

"Morning, Bonbon." Isabella mumbled as she walked past the Bennett witch, determined to figure out if she was going mad or not. "But hey, just a heads up, don't eat Damon's pancakes. The guy cannot cook." The Salvatore warned as she walked into the woods. Once Isabella heard the front door shut, she started to walk further into the woods. "If you show yourself now, I might not kill you." The vampire called out as she turned around to look and see if she saw anything, but nothing.

The crunch of leaves behind Isabella made her quickly turn around, and once again, nothing. Isabella let out a frustrated groan as she started to walk back to the house, but as she was walking back, something reflecting the sunlight caught her eye. Isabella slowly walked towards whatever was lying on the ground, and she quickly realized it was a CD album. The vampire bent down to pick up the CD, and Isabella read the words Nevermind on the front of the CD, making her lightly laugh. But as Isabella opened the CD, a piece of paper fell out onto the ground.

"Hello beautiful." Isabella read the note as confusion took over her body. There was only ever one person who said that to her, and as far as Isabella knew, that person had been gone for a long time. Isabella ripped up the paper as she let out a dry laugh, accepting that she had officially lost it. She dropped the CD album onto the ground as looked around.

"Isabella! Breakfast is ready!" Damon called out from the house. Isabella let out a sigh, but started to walk back towards the house, lighting a cigarette on the way. "Isabella, hurry the hell up! The food will be cold!" Her older brother yelled.

"Shut the fuck up, Damon! It's going to taste like shit anyways!" Isabella yelled back, still taking her time walking back to the house. The sound of light laughter played throughout the woods, and Isabella felt like she had heard that laughter before. "I have finally fucking lost it." Isabella whispered to herself before bringing the cigarette back to her lips.

"Here's your coffee, sunshine." Damon smirked at his little sister as she walked onto the front porch. Isabella glared at her brother for the nickname, but grabbed the mug from Damon's hands and walked past him to sit next to Bonnie at the kitchen table. "You're welcome." Damon called out with sarcasm running through his words.

c̸o̸m̸e̸ a̸s̸ y̸̸̸o̸u̸ a̸r̸e̸ [kai parker]    Where stories live. Discover now