Episode - 3

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Jungkook approached Jimin and Taehyung, a strange sense of familiarity washed over them. Jimin glanced up, his eyes widening in recognition. "Hey, you......do we know each other ?" he asked tentatively. Taehyung nodded, his mind racing with memories of a distant past. "Yeah, Jungkook. We've met before, haven't we?"

Jungkook smirked, though a hint of confusion flickered in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I don't think we have. But there's something about you guys that feels... familiar."

Jimin and Taehyung exchanged puzzled glances before shrugging it off, Jungkook asked to join them. "Well, regardless, you don't mind if I sit with you right,?" Jungkook said with a friendly grin, patting the spot beside them. Taehyung and jimin nodded and he sat there.

As Jungkook settled into the seat, a sense of camaraderie filled the air, as if the three of them were reconnecting and they knew each other. Little did they know, their meeting was the beginning of a journey that would unravel the mysteries of their intertwined past.

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Inha noticed the subtle downturn of Suah's usually bright expression as they walked together down the bustling hallway of their school. Sensing something amiss, she gently nudged Suah's arm and asked, "Hey, you seem a bit off today. Is everything okay?"

Suah's shoulders tensed momentarily before she offered a tight-lipped smile. "Oh, it's nothing, just some stuff on my mind."

Concern flickered in Inha's eyes as she observed her friend's hesitance. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" she said softly, her voice filled with genuine care.

Suah hesitated for a moment, weighing her words, before finally exhaling a sigh. "It's just... Jimin is acting strange and has been avoiding me since morning he didn't even pick me up.....and i don't even know why in the world is he being like this maybe he's upset with me. It's been bothering me all day."

Inha nodded understandingly, placing a comforting hand on Suah's arm. "I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe he just needs some time to cool off. Why don't you try talking to him? Maybe make him his favorite food or something to show you want to make amends."

Suah's expression brightened at the suggestion. "That's actually a great idea. Thanks, Inha. I'll give it a try." With renewed determination, Suah made a mental note to mend things with her brother, grateful for Inha's support and advice. And they went to their class.

°    °    °

As Taehyung and Jimin met in the college backyard, they were well aware of their swapped bodies. They had arranged to meet there to discuss how to solve the peculiar problem they found themselves in. Jimin's anger simmered beneath the surface as he recalled Taehyung's failure to pick up his sister, causing her distress. In Taehyung's body, he could feel the urge to confront him physically, but the realization that it was his face in front of him and he can't hit himself. So,despite the anger, they knew they needed to find a solution together.

- Taehyung -

As i, now in Jimin's body, nervously fidgeted with my hair, trying to maintain Jimin's signature look, and then I couldn't help but notice a smudge on "my" face. Instinctively, i reached up to wipe it away, my hands feeling unfamiliar against Jimin in my body's features. Cupping "his" face in an attempt to clean the smudge, i-in-Jimin's-body glanced around anxiously and i said while still holding "my" face which is his now but it is mine...... "Yah! didn't you wash your face don't you dare ruin this handsome face of mine."

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