You Belong With Me

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"But she wears high heels, I wear sneakers, she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers. Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking for, has been here the whole time. If you could see that I'm the one who understands you, been here all along so why can't you see, you belong with me." You Belong With Me ~ Taylor Swift.


 The boys and I were hanging at Lou's place, just like the old times. But Harry wasn't with us this time. We called countless times but he wouldn't pick up. Harry never did that. Worry built up inside me and we needed to go see where the hell he was. Zayn decided to go look at Harry's place.  

"Want me to go with?" I asked Zayn as he stood up to go look for Harry.  

"Sure, two are better than one." he smiled.

We reached Harry's house. The lights were on, so he was definitely home. We used the spare key we had and went inside. There were voices from upstairs, laughters of not just Harry but a girl, too. 

"Harry, honey where are you?" I yelled as we looked around the house. 

Noone answered, but we could still hear the voices. We went upstairs and went straight to where the voices came in, Harry's bedroom. We opened the door to the shock of our lives. Harry was thrown on the bed obviously looking wasted, and little miss "Silvia" with just little clothes and I mean little clothes above him. They both looked at us with surprised faces. To be honest I was shocked. I mean okay I admit, I was a little happy that she was exposed to her real self but Harry? Oh my god I didn't see that coming. 

Zayn directly left the room, running back to the car. Harry and Silvia both screamed "Zayn" at the same time. I looked at them both with complete and utter disgust then ran after Zayn. 

I climbed to the car fast before Zayn took off like his life depended on it. Zayn was driving so fast, like a maniac who just kidnapped somebody. I wasn't putting on my seat-belt. Well with Zayn driving that fast, I could barely think of anything other than my life. I looked at his face. No expressions at all. That sparkle in his eyes was no longer there. His jaw clenched and his grip on the steering wheel seemed like he was gonna break it off. I felt like the car would fly off the ground and we would both die. 

"Zayn slow down!" I yelled "Please slow down" I said with tears filling my eyes.  

He hit the breaks very hard that the car stopped all off a sudden and then he screamed in my face "Will you shut up?!". You know that feeling you get, like your heart is ripped out of your chest? I felt that when I saw the anger, the hurt, the hatred all apparent so clearly in Zayn's eyes. I wished a black hole would appear and suck me. I already needed a word to get me crying, and the way Zayn screamed at me did the job. I felt like I was the reason behind all that anger he had inside him at that moment. My tears ran down my face but I said nothing. I stared at him with no expressions, my tears explained everything. I sat straight looking infront of me still silent. Zayn turned off the car and did the same. In a time span of 3 seconds, Zayn exploded, and I mean it in all the meanings that word can hold. I shut my eyes as Zayn screamed at the top of his lungs letting all the frustration in him flow. He repeatedly hit the steering wheel as he let out all the anger inside him. When Zayn stopped and went silent, I turned my face around and looked at him. Tears stained his flawless faces and his knuckles were seriously hurt. His hands were back gripping the steering wheel. The amount of strength he was using made his cut knuckles turn white. I slowly raised my trembling hand and laid it gently on his. Seconds later, he relaxed his tensed muscles and let go of the wheel. I raised his hand in mine and kissed his knuckles. I could feel how hurt he was, his once radiant smile disappeared under that hurt. Zayn wasn't that type of guys who would act tough and like everything is okay. He let it out before it built up inside him. I always listened. Everything he said was interesting to me. I listened close, I loved doing it. All this time his look was focused on his lap until I slowly ran my hand through his hair. You could never tell how I felt when I saw his eyes, his chest moving up and down in anger. He squeezed my hand that was holding his and let out a shaky breath. Silence was haunting us but neither of us was able to say a word. A minute passed with us staring at each other but Zayn needed to breathe. He exited the car and laid on the hood of the car. I followed after a second. I laid at the side of the car but I was able to hear Zayn clearly.  

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