"Here We Are" - (Part 2)

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one week later...


The sun has started to rise. As the luminescence of the sun rays hit the camp's ground, the survivors start to awaken, getting ready to prepare for the new day. Most of them did their usual daily routine. The soldiers that guarded and stayed awake during the night tapped out to get some rest, while the other half who already got some sleep went to their patrolling stations. Some of the survivors are assigned to different sectors in the camp where they could contribute themselves into advancing the encampment. A few of these were check-ups on the utility generators, sorting out on the food/other supplies, cultivating for vegetative planting, and much more. They did this for the past several months despite the rest of the world being in utter chaos.

Meanwhile, in the Heelers' house, Bandit was still asleep. The sunlight slowly passed through the window, reflecting from a surface straight into his face which annoyed him. The tired heeler faced his other side, away from the light. Eventually, Bandit decided to finally wake up, sitting on his bed. He noticed that Chilli wasn't beside him and thought that she was already up. Bandit looks at the clock that was hung on the wall, rubbing his eyes. He mumbles to himself...

Bandit: "...eight... thirty-... four..."


Bandit wondered why he woke up late despite him sleeping earlier last night. He stood up and walked outside the room into the kitchen area where he saw Chilli sitting on the dinning table.

Chilli: "Morning Honey, I made you some tea."

Bandit: "Hey babe... thanks..."

The blue heeler grabs the cup of tea and drinks from it.

Chilli: "Rough sleep last night?"

Bandit: "Not really... you?"

Chilli: "...I slept okay... no headaches this time... He didn't move that much last night..."

The pregnant dog was referring to her baby.

Bandit: "That's good... Where's Trixie, Stripe, and the kids?"

Chilli: "Trixie and the girls went to the acres... and Stripe's at the hearing."

Bandit suddenly paused and remembered that the camp was going through it's weekly meeting today.

Bandit: "Oh... shoot."

Chilli: "You do remember that today's the hearing right?"

Bandit: "What?- yeah! of course, how could I forget..."

The blue heeler replies as he quickly gulped down the rest of his tea. He then went to the sink and rinsed off the mug.

Bandit: "I'm gonna head over there right now."

He kisses Chilli on her cheek and speeds off exiting the front door of tbe house. His voice faints away as he leaves.

Bandit: "I'll see you later Chilli! ...and I'll check on the kids after..."

Chilli: "...Alright! Bye!..."

She chuckles and shakes her head left to right, unsurprised by Bandit's forgetfulness.

The blue heeler then closes their front door, runs outside, and sprints on the sidewalk heading towards the center of the camp. The weather was a bit cloudy so and it wasn't that hot. He soon turns the block and follows the road all the way near the next turn where he proceeded to take a left at the grassy field. There was a crowd of most of the survivors from within the camp, all standing, attending the hearing.

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