Name: Roseline "Rose" Williams
Eyes: Left is sky blue; Right is forest green
Hair: dark auburn with white streak, straight and bouncy
Face: Heart-shaped, thin eyebrows, bow-shaped lips, pierced both ears, nubian nose
Skin Color: Slightly Tan skin
Glasses: Browline glasses; light brown
Height: 5'8", slightly curvy hipsName: Jake Lockwood
Eyes: Both are light brown, with flecks of gold
Hair: Brown, wavy
Face: Oval-shaped, thick eyebrows with a small cut, thin lips, no pierced ears, round nose
Skin Color: White skin
Height: 6', lean body*Hi. Main characters pics. Well, AI generated pics. Couldn't get the look i was looking for but this is the me*
Out Of The Blue
RomanceYoungest girl in all her AP classes, only girl in the robotics team and only MVP junior in the Valkyries Tennis team for the first time in history. This is a perfect description of Roseline Williams, the intelligent, heterochromic, coldhearted overa...