Chapter One

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I tighten the light blue bow in my ponytail and take a step back to study myself in the mirror. Maple Ridge is a more unique school in Australia; we don't have to wear a uniform but what we do wear has to align with the school colours.

Lucky for us, there are a lot of school colours. Light blue and white are the main ones, but we can also wear any one of the house colours, which are red, yellow, green and a darker blue.

Today I'm in a white mini-skirt which is not that mini so I can still pass the school dress code, and a blue button down top. My shoes are my light blue converse- my current obsession is converse and ribbons.

From my cupboard, I grab a white purse and chuck my phone and lip gloss into it. Thinking twice about Dan's vague text last night, that we needed to talk, I grab a few extra make up items so I can touch up before he asks me to the senior spring dance.

It's in three months, but everyone has their partners planned in advance, sometimes even six months early. And I know that's what today's about.

I call out to my younger sister Charlotte as I head downstairs and into the garage. She follows me out, her blonde hair braided back and in a green polo with quarter length bummers. My sister sees the grin on my face and returns it, knowing fully well why I look so excited.

As soon as I arrive, I text Dan to let him know I'm at school, expecting a location to meet at in preparation for the popping of the question. I watch as the three grey dots float around for a bit, then he texts back saying he'll meet me at my car.

Charlotte must see my face fall, because she asks, "Do you still want me to stay with you?"
I nod, because even if he's not going to do it in front of the school, he should be able to do it in front of my sister. I know he's shy but I kind of thought he'd go out of his zone just this one time.

Dan walks out, and my face breaks into a smile at the sight of him. He's about 5'8", with brown hair and brown eyes that remind me of chocolate. When he sees my car I watch him swallow nervously and walk up to it.

He gets to the passenger side and opens it, looking surprised to see Charlotte in it.
"T do you think just we could talk?"
I sigh and nod resignedly at Charlotte , who climbs out of the car. I guess no one will get to watch it happen. Dan climbs in to where my sister sat, and turns to me.

"T this is kind of hard for me to say, but I've been considering it for a while," his eyes meet mine then flick nervously away, before he continues, "We need to take a break."

I feel my jaw drop open, and go numb with shock.

"I don't think I can be in this relationship at the moment, and I think it's best I'm not holding you back."

His words snap me out of it, and thinking of all the books I've read and shows I've watched which have had this misunderstanding, combined with the anger now seeping in, I say, "No. It's not 'a break'. We're in this relationship, or we're broken up."

For a second I expect him to choose the former. Hurt registers in his eyes, and he opens and closes his mouth a few times in surprise. In the end he shakes his head.
"I told you T, I can't do this. It's not you I promise, it's me. Please, I don't want this to be actually over."
"So what? We just go on a break and you sleep with a bunch of other girls but that's all fine because we're not officially together or broken up? WE'RE OVER DAN! GET OUT!"
His attempt to speak his cut off by another scream of out.

The rest of the day passes in a haze. I vaguely remember telling my best friend Evelyn, and telling Charlotte when I walk past her at one point. I'm sure the whole school knows by now though; not that Charlotte and Eve are blabbers, but news travels fast in this place.

The one part of the day I do remember is bumping into someone in the hall, and dropping all my books. When he bent down to help me pick them up and brown hair brushed my face I thought he was Dan. Then he looked up and his piercing green eyes locked on mine.

Those eyes are much prettier than chocolate.

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