Chapter 10: You're Such A Mess

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(Val's POV)

As Velvette makes her exit, leaving us alone in the club, I observe Vox, who appears significantly inebriated as he slouches in his chair. His glazed expression and unsteady posture betraying the extent of his intoxication. His drunken grin meets my gaze, and he quips, "Like what you see, Val? Drunk and disorderly, just for you". His words slurred and punctuated by a mischievous grin, confirm just how far gone he is. Despite the alcohol-fueled bravado, there's a vulnerability in his demeanor that I can't help but notice, a stark contrast to his usual composed self. I lean in closer to him, allowing myself to fully indulge in the moment. His vulnerability, heightened by the alcohol, only adds to his allure, and I find myself drawn to him in ways I hadn't anticipated. Without hesitation, I meet his gaze with equal intensity, a mischievous smile playing on my lips. "Maybe I do like what I see" I reply, my voice low and tinged with amusement. "But the real question is, do you like what you see?". As I wait for his response, a surge of anticipation courses through me, mingling with the alcohol in my veins and heightening my senses. In this moment, all I want is to revel in the chemistry between us, consequences be damned.

"Of course I do" he replies, his words laced with a hint of admiration as he meets my gaze. "You look really hot tonight, Tino".  His candid compliment catches me off guard, a subtle warmth spreading through me despite the haze of alcohol clouding my senses. I can't help but feel a surge of satisfaction at his words, his appreciation stirring a familiar sense of pride within me. He then grumbles "if pisses me off though" while looking at me.  Curious, I cock my head slightly, inviting him to elaborate on his cryptic statement. "What pisses you off?" I inquire, my tone light yet genuinely intrigued by his candid confession. He exhales a breath, his expression a mixture of amusement and frustration as he struggles to articulate his thoughts. "How you can dress like this" he begins, gesturing towards my attire with a nod of approval, "but also wear fishnets and a dress and look equally as hot". His words resonate with a hint of envy, a rare vulnerability seeping through his typically composed demeanor. Despite his attempt at nonchalance, I can sense the underlying tension beneath his playful banter, a silent admission of his own insecurities. A smirk tugs at my lips as I savor the moment, relishing in the rare glimpse of vulnerability he's allowed me to witness. "Guess I just have a talent for looking good in anything" I tease, my tone playful yet tinged with a subtle hint of flirtation as I lean in closer, our shared intoxication heightening the tension between us.

A mischievous glint dances in my eyes as I playfully tease him. "I bet you'd look good in some fishnets" I quip, a playful smirk gracing my lips as I lean in closer. "Maybe I can get you in some later". My suggestion hangs in the air, laden with an undeniable sense of flirtation as I watch for his reaction, curious to see how he'll respond to my playful proposition. I can't help but notice the way his expression shifts, a mixture of surprise and amusement crossing his features. His eyes meet mine, a hint of challenge lurking within their depths as he considers my suggestion.  His lips curl into a smirk, a flicker of mischief dancing in his gaze. "Oh, really now?" he responds, his tone dripping with playful intrigue. "And what makes you think I'd ever agree to such a thing?". I lean back slightly, a smirk tugging at the corners of my lips as I meet his gaze head-on. "Oh, come on" I retort, a playful glint in my eyes. "You're not afraid of a little adventure, are you? Besides, I think you'd rock them".  The banter between us crackles with electricity, the air thick with playful tension as we continue to trade playful barbs and suggestive remarks, both of us enjoying the thrill of the moment.

He chuckles, a hint of flustered amusement in his tone. "You'd have to get me a lot more drunk for that to happen" he counters, his words laced with a mixture of jest and genuine interest. Not one to back down from a challenge, I grab a shot and hold it out to him. "Drink up then baby" I urge, a mischievous glint in my eyes as I watch for his reaction. He hesitates for a moment, his expression betraying a flicker of uncertainty before he takes the shot from my hand. As he takes the shot, I watch intently, a faint smirk playing on my lips. His reaction doesn't disappoint – a slight glitch, a subtle sign that my teasing has ignited a spark within him. It's moments like these that remind me why I enjoy pushing his buttons, why I revel in the playful banter between us. With a satisfied grin, I lean back in my seat, feeling a rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins. Despite the alcohol slightly fogging my senses, I'm acutely aware of the electric tension between us, a palpable energy that seems to crackle in the air. As the warmth of the liquor spreads through my veins, I find myself drawn to Vox, captivated by the way his eyes sparkle with a mixture of amusement and desire. In this moment, surrounded by the dim glow of the club lights, there's an undeniable chemistry between us, a silent understanding that transcends words.

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