Chapter 11: Mood Swings

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(Vox's POV)

I wake up to a pounding headache and a sense of disorientation. Blinking my eyes open, I find myself staring at the ceiling, trying to piece together the events of last night. As I go to sit up, a heavy weight on my chest stops me short. Confusion floods my mind until I realize I'm lying on top of Val. I gently shake him awake, his eyes fluttering open to meet mine. There's an odd, almost expectant look in his gaze that I can't quite decipher. It's as if he's waiting for something, but I have no idea what. He blinks a few times, then seems to fully wake up. His expression shifts, and he looks at me with a mixture of amusement and concern. "Morning" he says, his voice husky from sleep. "How's the head?". I groan in response, rubbing my temples as the headache continues to throb. "Feels like someone's using my skull as a drum" I mutter. Val chuckles softly, rub my shoulder affectionately. "Firstly, you don't have a skull and yeah you had quite a night," he says, his tone teasing yet gentle. I furrow my brow, trying to recall the events of the previous evening, but it's all a hazy blur, "Did we...?" I start. He interrupts, a smirk playing on his lips. "You really can't remember?" he teases. I shake my head, feeling a mix of confusion and apprehension. His smirk widens into a grin. "Yes, we did" he confirms, his tone teasing yet affectionate. "You know us. Especially drunk us, a dirty pair". A rush of memories floods back, fragmented and blurry. I can feel my cheeks flushing as I try to piece together the events of the previous night.

As I gaze at him, a faint furrow lines his brow, hinting at a depth of emotion that remains veiled. His eyes, usually vibrant with mischief or desire, now hold a shadow of disappointment. I can't help but feel a pang of curiosity mixed with concern, wondering what might be troubling him beneath the surface. With genuine care, I ask if everything is alright, hoping to offer some comfort or assistance if needed. He hesitates for a moment before responding, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit tired, I guess". But his tone doesn't quite match his words, leaving a lingering sense of unease between us. I nod, not entirely convinced by his response. There's a tension in the air, a palpable shift from the familiarity we usually share. I try to shake off the feeling, but it lingers like an unwelcome guest in the room. As he stretches, I sense the shift in his mood back to the sultry Val I'm accustomed to. His lips find my neck in a tender kiss. "We can go get some breakfast," he suggests, his tone playful, "or we can stay here and have some fun". I laugh and push him away gently. "Let's go get breakfast," I say with a chuckle, "any momentum will result in my throwing my guts up".

I stretch and stumble out of bed, feeling like I've been hit by a truck. As I make my way to the mirror, the morning light streaming in through the window illuminates the room, accentuating my tired face. I squint at my reflection, a grimace forming as I take in the disheveled mess staring back at me. My clothes are a mess, and my eyes are puffy and bloodshot from lack of sleep. Then, my gaze falls on the unmistakable mark on my neck—a vivid reminder of last night's escapades. I shoot a pointed glare at Val, who's lounging on the bed with an air of nonchalance, as if he hadn't just left his mark on me. "Fuck sake, Val?" I grumble, running a hand over the offending bite mark. He just smirks in response, the corners of his lips curling into a mischievous grin. "You know you love it" he says with a wink, his tone playful. Rolling my eyes, I huff in exasperation, knowing he's right but refusing to admit it. With a sigh, I grab some clean clothes and quickly change, eager to escape the scene of the crime. As we head out of my room, I shoot Val one last playful glare, silently promising payback for his mischief.

In the kitchen, Velvette's icy demeanor immediately sets the tone. I muster a feeble "morning" hoping to diffuse the tension, but it only seems to exacerbate the situation. Velvette's response is far from warm; instead, she shoots daggers with her eyes and dismisses my greeting. "Not so fast with the pleasantries" she retorts, her voice laced with frustration. "Don't you dare 'good morning' me. You two are absolute assholes". Her words hang heavy in the air, casting a pall over the room. I exchange a bewildered glance with Val, unsure of what we've done to warrant such hostility. Her gaze turns squarely on Val, her expression a mix of disappointment and simmering anger. "And this mess" she gestures towards me accusingly, "is all your fault". I squirm under her intense scrutiny, feeling like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar. She doesn't hold back, launching into a tirade as she continues to berate us. I try to defend myself, feeling completely lost in the situation. "I would apologize, but I honestly don't even know what I did" I admit, my tone tinged with genuine confusion. Her frustration seems to intensify at my response. With a sigh of exasperation, she pulls out her phone and shows me a video. As the footage plays, my heart sinks. There I am, dipping Val in the club, only to end up sprawled on the floor with him. Laughter erupts from the speakers, mingling with the sound of music and chatter. Then, another clip: me singing and laughing uproariously while draped over his shoulder in the street. It's clear I am beyond intoxicated. Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. "And that's not even the worst of it" she adds solemnly. "I had to intervene when you two were about to have sex in the hallway". My jaw drops in shock, disbelief washing over me. "What?" I stammer, unable to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

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