The World of Gaiea

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The Eight Peoples of Gaiea


A people with plant-like characteristics. They have a deep connection to the Great Wild. Defining characteristics are their green skin and hair, pointed ears, height, and a fleshy vine that begins at the base of their skull and can vary in length. This vine blooms when a Sylvane has reached sexual maturity.


A people with deer-like characteristics. From the waist up, they are human-like, and from the waist down, deer-like. They are completely covered in fur and have ears akin to the deer species they resemble, and may have antlers depending on gender, species, and time of year.


A people resembling the Fairies of Earth myth. They are extremely short - the shortest peoples of Gaiea - frequently have insect-like wings, and tend to have brightly colored skin and hair.


A hominid species that claims descent from the ancient metallic dragons of Gaiea. They are relatively tall and have four arms on their torso. Their skin and hair can be varying metallic shades. They have an extremely strong connection to the Eternal Deep.


A hominid species that claims descent from the ancient chromatic dragons of Gaiea. They are the tallest of the peoples of Gaiea and are characterized by their horns, dragon-like feet, clawed hands, and fangs. Their skin and hair can be varying chromatic shades.


A species descended from the ancient dragons of Gaiea, who retain significant draconic characteristics. They can be metallic or chromatic; metallic Dragonkin tend to have wings and tails, while chromatic Dragonkin do not.


Bipedal hominids that are highly adaptable to any environment.


Resulting from crosses between humans and the other peoples of Gaiea, Gaiea-Touched can have a wide range of characteristics based on their own particular ancestry.

Resulting from crosses between humans and the other peoples of Gaiea, Gaiea-Touched can have a wide range of characteristics based on their own particular ancestry

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The Three Magics of Gaiea

Wild Magic

Magic powered by the energy of the Great Wild, which permeates all living things.

Deep Magic

Magic powered by the energy of the Eternal Deep, which underlies everything in the universe.

High Magic

Magic based on summoning and bonding with spirits, and channeling their power. Practiced exclusively by humans.

The Gods of Gaiea - The Old Gods

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The Gods of Gaiea - The Old Gods


Depicted in the form of a Sylvane, Serinae is the goddess of Wild Magic and healing.


Depicted in the form of a massive moose-like Hind, Yorluth is the god of home, hearth, and protection.


Depicted in the form of a jet-black Fae with stark white hair, Avalon is the trickster god of the Gaiean pantheon.


Depicted in the form of a jet-black Fae with stark-white eyes and a mouth bound in cloth, Morgutha is the goddess of prophecy, sleep, and death.

The Gods of Gaiea - The New Gods


Depicted in the form of an platinum-skinned Naginae, Irasfit is the god of magic and knowledge.


Depicted in the form of a Pan of constantly-shifting color and indeterminate gender, Vjorn is the god/ess of balance, justice, and truth.


Depicted in the form of a golden Naginae, Eirladen is the god of music, poetry, and battle.

Religion of Humans

Humans follow an omniscient entity known as the All-Seeing Light. This entity is countered by its equal and opposite, the All-Consuming Dark. 

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