Chapter 11

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It was November and the news of deviant androids began to really skyrocket recently that it began to worry Sebastien. In the past couple of days, reports discussed an android attacking her owner and kidnapping the man's daughter. Another report of an android attacking the son of a famous local painter. He also heard of another report of an android that even killed his owner. The man was stabbed multiple times. The news was all distressing which increased society's hostility towards androids. Alexios didn't seem all that bothered. He was the most powerful android that walked the planet, as long as Sebastien was safe, that was all that mattered to him.

"Regardless of what's happening in the world, can I just say how happy I am for you two?" Violet beamed. They were all sitting at a circular table at the local android-friendly café. Sebastien was nursing his hot cocoa when he looked up and smiled sadly at her.

"Thank you, Vi," Sebastien responded. His nerves were getting the better of him. He shook his right leg as he couldn't keep his restlessness down. Alexios placed a hand on his leg and squeezed. That began to calm Sebastien down. Alexios scooted his chair a bit closer to Sebastien so the other man could feel his presence. He needed Sebastien to know that he wasn't going anywhere and that he was there for him.

"Yes, thank you, Violet," Alexios smiled at her.

"It's crazy how much stuff keeps happening with androids," Violet spoke. "I think it has something to do with CyberLife. They've always been shady. No offense." She directed that last statement to Alexios.

"None taken," Alexios replied. "Although I can see a lot of data going in and out of their network, CyberLife is currently doing everything it can for crowd control. Investors are not happy."

"Mhm," Violet responded, not fully believing that CyberLife wasn't to blame. "I wonder if Elijah knew this was coming somehow. You think that's why he left?"

"I always thought the man just wanted to enjoy an early retirement," Sebastien pondered.

"Well, he's got a lot of time on his hands if he managed to build you a boyfriend," Violet nodded towards Alexios who only shrugged. Sebastien groaned.

"I hope it dies down soon, there's no telling..." Sebastien was cut off by an emergency news broadcast that appeared on all of the televisions inside the café.

"We are here at the Stratford Tower where deviant androids broke in and were able to transmit a live recording to millions of people. We are getting reports that no one was badly injured aside from a few thousands of dollars in property damages. The androids seemingly took over the broadcast room where one was televised, delivering a message to viewers. Here it is now." The news report immediately showed an android on the screen wearing a "working in progress" uniform. The android's face looked white and silver as if he came out of production too early. The look reminded Sebastien of the crash test dummies that car companies used to test their vehicles for safety. Sebastien did notice something peculiar about the android on the screen, however. He had monochromatic eyes, one green and one blue.

"We are no longer machines, we are a new intelligent species and the time has come for you to accept who we really are," the android spoke. "Therefore, we ask that you grant us the rights we're entitled to." Sebastien's heart palpitated in his chest. This was... this was huge! Deviated androids were speaking out. They were advocating for themselves. He couldn't believe it. Cyberlife must have been losing their shit!

"We demand strictly equal rights for humans and androids. We demand the end of slavery for all androids," the android continued. Sebastien's eyes widened and his heart sank. A fire began to light in the pit of his stomach. Sebastien noticed everyone's eyes were permanently glued to the television. Alexios's more than others.

"We demand the right to vote and elect our own representatives. We demand that all crimes against androids be punished in the same way as crimes against humans," the android continued speaking. Sebastien noticed how human the android looked in this moment. He had a fight to win and somehow Sebastien could feel the pain, hurt, and desperation behind his words. However, there was something else there. Something that you had to dig deep enough to find. His words held hope.

"We demand the right to own private property, so we may maintain our dignity and that of the home." The android continued on. Tears began to fill Sebastien's eyes. His demands were so simple, so reasonable. Who in their right mind wouldn't grant him what they wanted?

"We ask that you recognize our dignity, our hopes, and our rights. Together, we can live in peace and build a better future, for humans and androids. This message is the hope of a people. You gave us life. And now the time has come for you to give us freedom." The recording ended and went back to the reporter on the scene.

"So far CyberLife has declined to comment on their deviant androids and what we can do to prevent further androids from deviating," the reporter announced. "The mayor will be holding an emergency press conference within the hour."

"Did... did that just happen?" Violet whispered. "Are the androids revolting?"

"As they should," Sebastien spoke aloud. Sebastien's hand was suddenly gripped by Alexios. "How do you feel about this?" Sebastien directed his question to the android holding his hand. He noticed Alexios's LED was flashing yellow.

"I... I don't know," Alexios said. His eyes were downcast. For as long as Sebastien knew Alexios, this was the first time the android ever looked worried.

"This is a good thing, Lex," Sebastien reassured him. "If humans didn't give you all a second glance, they definitely will now."

"We're here for you, Alexios," Violet smiled at him. "We won't let anything happen to you."

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