Chapter 13

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"Once again I'm covering a developing story surrounding demonstrations and protests plaguing the Detroit metropolitan area by androids demanding equal rights," the same news reporter Alexios and Sebastien had seen the past couple of days was on their television again.

"Reports are coming in that a single android led, what some are calling, a Freedom March from the Woodward Mall Center downtown to where I'm currently standing in Grand Circus Park. Witnesses claim that their androids all deviated and followed the march in the streets of downtown Detroit."

"That could have been us," Sebastien said, loud enough for Alexios to hear. Alexios rolled his eyes.

"It was here that the androids were met with riot police ordering them all to disperse. The leader of the androids appeared to not back down as they were being threatened. It was then that the police fired upon the androids unprovoked, permanently deactivating a few of them in the process. The leader of the androids then ordered his group to run when, from what we are being told, the police received an order to fire at will upon the fleeing androids."

"That could have been us," Alexios turned to look at Sebastien. Both his gaze and his tone were intense.

"Oh my god," Sebastien whispered and shook his head.

"Quite a few of the androids were shot and destroyed in the ensuing chaos. Android sympathizers are now demanding accountability for the officers who fired upon the peaceful march and the person who issued the order. However, tensions are beginning to rise amongst humanity and androids. Because of this, government officials have issued an address that all androids must be turned over to the proper authorities until the deviated androids are under control."

"What?!" Sebastien screamed. "They can't do that!" Alexios said nothing. He stood up from the couch and headed to the kitchen. Sebastien followed him with his eyes as he rummaged through one of the drawers. Alexios walked out of the kitchen brandishing a small knife. Sebastien's eyes grew wide. Was he about to...?

"Bash," Alexios whispered. He knelt down on the floor in front of Sebastien and handed him the knife.

"What are you doing, Lex?" Sebastien asked as he held the knife.

"My LED," Alexios simply said. "Remove it."

"Your LED?" Sebastien asked. Alexios nodded his head and tilted it so Sebastien had a good view of his LED.

"It won't hurt," Alexios reassured him. "I promise."

"Okay," Sebastien took a deep breath. With his right hand he ran his fingers through Alexios's hair and gripped his head to keep him steady, not that he wouldn't be steady anyway. With the tip of the knife, in his left hand, he managed to dig slightly underneath the LED. With a flick of his wrist the LED popped easily off of Alexios temple and landed on the floor. Alexios picked up the LED ring that still glowed blue in his hand. There was a depression in Alexios's temple where the LED was. Sebastien watched as his skin filled in the space and look as if there never was an LED there to begin with. By all intents and purposes, Alexios looked completely human.

"Here," Alexios said as he handed Sebastien the LED. "This way, a piece of me will always be with you, my love." Tears began to fill Sebastien's eyes as he wrapped his arms around Alexios's neck who still sat down in front of him. He was terrified for Alexios. No one was going to take him away from Sebastien. 

"We're not safe here," Sebastien finally said. "I want to help your people, Lex. And I know you do too."

"I can't put you in danger," Alexios spoke, his voice began to quiver.

"You're the most powerful and most intelligent being on this planet, Lex," Sebastien smiled at him. "If anyone can keep me safe, it's you." Sebastien kissed Alexios on his forehead.

An Imitation of Love (A Detroit: Become Human Story)Where stories live. Discover now