Chapter One: Prologue

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I was meditating in the training grounds of the Jedi Temple, all the while I could hear the many speeders whizzing above my head. That was always the normal for Coruscant a city that never sleeps, a city that seems to always be alive. The breeze felt nice at this time of day. I often came here after training or when I have the time to, for its in these small moments of respite that I forget we are in the middle of war.

Its been a year now since the Clone Wars had stuck its poisoned roots into the galaxy, a year of nothing but endless battles and conflict. I more then lost count of how many battle droids i've cut down, or how many times i've had to wash the oil and gunk from my robes or my hair in that regard.

A quick but clear tap on my shoulder brought me back to by senses, and out of all these thoughts in my head. At least if that didn't then the sound of my lightsaber, hitting the cold stone at my feet sure did. I didn't even realize I was using the force to levitate it, I quickly glanced up to find my Master smiling at me as he spoke.

"Hmm I knew I would find you here Cora glad I asked Huyang first, and I saw that you were doing it again weren't you? So lost in your thoughts that you were using the force unknowingly."

I felt embarrassed to say the least I know Jedi shouldn't feel such things, however this wasn't the first time my Master caught me. Granted Master Azari truly understood me and how my mind often wandered, unlike the rest of the council. I trusted him, felt like I could tell him anything which wasn't always the case.

"I know your mind wanders often because something is vexing you, so what is troubling you my Padawan?"

"Its just I know that i've said once before but this war I'm just tired Master, I feel we are becoming less like Jedi and more like soldiers. Like a rock that the sea beats upon, that with each passing a little more of  who we are is washed away. I've already excelled at my skills and I have all this knowledge, I feel ready to undertake the Jedi Trails I know I'm ready to be granted the rank of Jedi Knight Master I can feel it inside of me."

It was no hidden desire that I sought to complete my trails, and be granted the rank of Jedi Knight. Even as a Padawan I had expected the many battles won, during this long war under my belt would convince the council. But they have yet to deem me ready, perhaps they didn't see me as such but I know my Master did.

"Believe me I understand your frustrations Cora more then you know but the council, isn't blind to your efforts remember you must have patience. In honesty if it were up to me you would already be a knight, you've truly come far in your training that much is clear to my eyes I know soon you will have your chance. But until then remember the one who waits and watches will always see their opportunity, but i've spoken my mind come let us walk."

Master Azari always managed to put my mind at ease whenever I felt like this, It was comforting  to know that he believed in me so much. And these days we walked the grounds together were rare, given the war and us often being off world but they were days I always cherished.

"You'll be interested to know that me and Cordova have made progress, in translating that Zeffo Slab you found on Titus."

"That's great news Master I know its been months since we found it. Does that mean we are closer, to finding the hidden Sage?"

Ever since discovering that ancient ruin my Master and Eno Cordova, worked closely on uncovering the secrets of the Zeffo. I must admit even I genuinely found a fascination for the Zeffo through those two. It intrigued me a truly ancient even believed to be the first ones, who were force sensitive which is nothing short of remarkable. But my Master and Cordova were truly drawn in, can't tell you how many times I've seen them in the Jedi Archives surely more then I could count. They would spent hours in there if not days I even bet that Jocasta had grown tired of them there, however the knowledge there was for everyone both Padawan and Master save for the restricted section of course so she didn't mind too much.

"Sadly not I must say out of all the ancient Zeffo Sages out there that we've discovered, Rauru   has been the most....elusive."

Given us Jedi were supposed to control their emotions, even I couldn't help but notice the slight tone of frustration in my Master's voice. For everyone at the temple already knew, that Soren Azari didn't completely, agree with the Council's decision on fighting this war as it often impeded his research. Not to mention also his distrust, of Clone Troopers even those under his command. He often told me that it was strange how the Republic and us Jedi didn't even know about them until the discovery of Kamino, Even I found a hard time adjusting to them still do at times. True they have been a great turning point in fighting back the Separatists. But the fact they all sound identical is creepy to me, ever still me and my Master show them respect treating them like men instead of tools. However we often talk alone on this during missions, lest they hear us after all its for our ears and our ears alone.


"I will be presenting my and Eno's findings to the council and Cora, I would like for you to accompany me."

"Yes of course Master" I couldn't help but fail to contain my eagerness, to me most conversations with the council were met behind closed doors. A hush and a whisper here and there from when I would eavesdrop bad I know, to the occasional raising of a few voices often times it being my Master and Master Windu who often didn't see eye to eye. But meetings like this were often convened in secret, not meant for Padawan ears or my ears to hear. So for my Master to request my presence at one, I viewed it as a true honor indeed. One that further instilled that sense of trust, my Master had seen in me and me in his. So I walked close beside him, but not too close with my hands behind my back, and trying to still my racing mind and ever quickly racing heart. 

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