S02E05 Ash's Dream Training! The Tournament Finale!

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Stamos sat restless in the examination room as Doc started surgically implanting a long, skinny metal tube into Ash's index finger. Stamos was swinging on his chair, tapping his foot on the ground, peering up every so often to see how Ash was doing, who was still unconscious due to the anesthetic face mask. Kieran was handing Doc different surgical tools as he called for them. Blake looked over at Stamos, who appeared to be quite nervous.

"You're worried, aren't you?" Blake asked.

"You can tell?"

Blake nodded. "It's rather evident."

Blake went fishing inside his jacket and pulled out two pairs of what seemed to be ordinary sunglasses. He passed one pair to Stamos, then got up and walked over to Ash, pushing past Doc, and placed the second pair over Ash's eyes. He turned back to Stamos.

"I brought these in just in case," he said. "If you put them on, you'll be able to visit Ash in his dreams, make sure he's doing okay."

Stamos nodded, and thanked Blake before placing the sunglasses over his eyes. He leaned back in his seat, and within an instant, his mind was transported from the examination room and into Ash's brain. He looked around, there were small buildings, shacks, a lot of sand and desert surrounding them. He turned to his left, and there sat a saloon with double doors. He walked up the steps, and through the doors, entering the saloon.

Inside, he spotted Ash, delivering a round of drinks to a table with people sitting around it. Behind the bar stood an elderly woman with big bushy hair, watching Ash carefully. Stamos walked over, and Ash turned his head, tilting it as he took notice of Stamos.

"Oh, hey Pres!" Ash grinned. "What are you doing here?"

"Checking up on you," Stamos answered. "Where are we?"

"Well, this is Marianne's saloon!"

"That woman over there, that's Marianne?"

Ash nodded, looking over with a smile. "I really miss her."

"Do you understand that this is just a dream?"

"Yeah, I can feel the difference. Except, you seem real. Why is that?"

Stamos chuckled. "That's because I am real. Here come with me."

Stamos turned around and walked towards the saloon's double doors, and Ash followed. Together, they went outside and stood upon the sand, gazing up at the sun that beamed down upon them. Stamos turned to Ash.

"While we wait for your surgery to finish," Stamos said. "We're gonna do some training. How do you feel about that?"

Ash nodded rapidly, brimming with excitement. "Training with you?! Heck yeah!"

Stamos smiled. "Good. Now, raise your guard."


Back at the training grounds, Ngaire stood in the ring, staring the mystery man down with her stance ready for battle. Red ran over to join her side, and Kore leapt from his seat in the audience to stand beside them. The mystery man with the long golden locks smiled, raising his hand.

"No need for any of that," he said. "We come in peace."

"In peace?!" Ngaire shouted, then turned to Kore. "This guy tried to kidnap the kids when they were young. I've battled him before."

"That was a long time ago. Why don't we let bygones be bygones?"

"What do you want?!"

"Word on the street is that the Aces of Spades have some new potential prospects. I wanted my Prospects to watch them in action, maybe learn a few things. How does that sound?"