The first prank

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Leonardo's pov:

The others and I were all sitting in the lounge room or living area when I finally spoke up and said, "I still think these pranks are a bad idea, especially after what you heard MY TWIN say yesterday."

They all looked at me with 'are you serious' looks and Michelangelo then replied, "You know he was just saying that Leo and why did you tell him about the pranks which the first one starts in ten minutes by the way"

I then looked at him, shocked, and said, "I did no such thing, Micheal. How dare you say or even suggest I would do something like that" I folded my arms and looked away

I heard Donnie's voice say, "Even though you did exactly that nardo and i thank you for doing so, oh and also since they want to play these pranks they can't use my tech, but you can my dear twin" I smiled slightly put on a straight face and looked back at others

April then looked at me with a sad expression and said "Leon are you mad at us" I raised my non existent eyebrow at her which made her say "You never call mikey, Micheal unless your upset"

I thought for a moment then said "yes, yes I am and you should know why" Raphael then looked at the time and said "It's time for the pranks to start... How about we watch a movie as a family" I smirked knowing what was about to happen

Raphael grabbed the remote and tried and I mean tried to turn on the TV when this message came on screen 'Sorry but you can't use this technology it's has been blocked by Donatello, none of you are able to use it, except leonardo and Splinter' I was holding back laughter while saying to Donnie "oh my gosh hermano this is great... well now they might know I told you but this is gonna be hilarious"

I hear Donnie reply "I know but oh well, it's what they F*cking get and thank you nardo I thought you would like it also the gifts I was making for them and you are made... I'm going to leave them on the table tonight with a card of some sort" I smiled knowing what donnie has planned

I then said back to him "I can't wait to know what "Gifts" you have made for us" at that moment I noticed the others looking at me with mad expressions I looked back at them from the floor which I just realised i was staring at and said "what? What are you mad at me for?" Donnies voice "busted"

April then yelled annoyed "YOU TOLD HIM!" I smirked and replied "Told who I might ask?" Donnie said "OH snap you got them there nardo" April was about the reply when she remembered what prank they were doing and said nothing but gave me a nasty look

I then got up while saying "Just so you know you can't use any tech that he modified or created so have fun that includes your phone april bye now" I then walked to my room.

Donnatello's pov:

I was in my lab working on Sheldon. After listening to their conversation, I knew that they didn't care about me. What the point in F*cking trying to change for once... I guess everything is just perfect... I'm worthless to them... I'm a mistake... They only want me for my tech... all of my thoughts were getting out of hand when I hear nardo voice say "Dee please don't think about yourself that way, I know I might be annoying and do dumb sh*t sometimes but I care about you and I want to see you happy for once"

I smiled while having something leak from my eyes... these are tears I'm crying heh good "Thank you Nardo that means alot to me more then you know" that is when I start crying out loud and I knew for a fact the others could hear me

3rd person pov:
10 hours later its 4pm now and splinter is awake, Everyone but Leon and Donnie were in the lounge room trying to figure out what they should do when they heard crying from Donnie's room... loud and clear crying at that moment Leon came running out of his room directly at the group shouting "I HATE YOU ALL, MY TWIN IS F*CKING CRYING HIS EYES OUT AND YOUR DUMB F*CKING IDIOTS WANT TO CONTINUE THESE PRANKS...Some family you guys are"

That is when Splinter paid attention and asked "Blue what do you mean and why is purple crying?" Leon smiles and looks at Splinter and says while everyone else tries to stop him "Well padre my "brothers" and "our friend April" have decided to play 3 24 hour pranks in a row, which funny enough my twin hates the most, oh and Also the first prank is where they Pretend Donnie doesn't exist and the second prank is where they ignore him and the final prank they are going to be mean to/ rude to him and all of these are 24 hours each"

Splinter looked around the room shocked the he gets mad "RED ORANGE APRIL WHY THE F*CK DO YOU THINK THESE "PRANKS" ARE EVEN A GOOD IDEA? EXPLAIN YOUR REASON TO ME NOW... and Blue" Leon replied "Yes padre?" Splinter then said while giving the others a angry father look "Go to purple and comfort him as much as you can" Leon nodded and went to leave

When Michelangelo spoke up "Why do you thinks these pranks are a bad idea they are just jokes" Leon the yelled "THESE PRANKS ARE UNCALLED FOR, WHAT DID DONNIE DO TO DESERVE THEM?" April replied "You said it yourself Leo, we never prank donnie, so we thought let's prank him" Splinter interrupted and said " Blue go to purple I will deal with them" Leon nodded and walked off

What none of them realised that Donnie heard everything and was crying his eyes out, that is when he decided to walk to the kitchen and placed the gifts on the table, besides Leon's making everyone stop and look at him. They saw his eyes were red from so much crying, he had tears streaks going down his cheeks, he didn't look okay at all.

Leon walked up to Donnie and asked "Are you okay Dee" Donnie at Leon and what Leon saw broke his heart "Leon what do you think" Leon looked at him with a sad look and said "Let's go rest like we use to when we were younger okay" Donnie nodded and followed Leon while giving everyone the look that broke Leon's heart. Leon yelled from a distance "PADRE ME AND DONTRON WILL EAT WHEN HE NEXT WAKES UP LOVE YOU" Spinter nodded then turned to the others

He was waiting for someone to speak up, when no one did he sighed and said "I'm disappointed in all of you, Blue seems to be the only one who know the consequences of what these pranks will do" Micheal spoke up angry "WHAT? WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES OF THESE PRANKS" Splinter looked at him and replied "We will lose what little emotions purple has and also we will lose purple" Raphael said "What do you mean we will lose Donnie"

Splinter looked at raph and said "Do you really think if purple loses his emotions he will take care of himself?"all of the group looked at each other and shook their heads Splinter said "My point exactly and if you decide to continue these pranks, I will not help resolve the aftermath, do you understand?" They all nodded and Splinter walked off saying "Get something to eat and go to your rooms and April go home your done for today" everyone nodded and walked off.

Donnies pov:
I was walking back to my room with Leon holding my hand I was trying not to cry more when we finally got there, Leon opened my door and pulled me inside closing it behind me, he then Asked "Don are you okay you seem more emotionless" I looked at nardo "That because I am nardo" Leon looked and me with a even sadder expression and said "OH hermano I'm sorry I didn't tell padre sooner"

I looked and smiled a little "It's not your fault Brother your were scared I think, oh and also i will give your gift to you later" Leon then smiled at me a little sad and said "Well that's in the past now, we should get some sleep I know we both need it, I can wait to know what it is hermano" I nodded and headed to my bed Leon laid down and opened his arms for me, I smiled a little again and crawled into his arms getting comfortable, when he pulled me closer and cuddled me, I felt safe in his arms, the arms of my brother, my twin, I smiled into his chest and slowly fell asleep, he followed suit soon after.

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