Leos crush, and a bad surface visit

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Leo pov
After Donnie's little explanation, he went to his lab, and then I realised I was still running from Raph and got up off th floor and jumped to the roof. The others looked at me, shocked. Donna asked "Leo why are you acting like this?" I looked at them and said,"I'm acting differently. Who knew? " as I pulled myself closer to the roof.

Casey then said "Dude are you afraid that if you say this crush of yours, we will hate you, and since when we're you bi?" I shot a glance at Casey sighed and replied "first I'm not answering that and second for a long time, actually, " Mikey said."But dude, come on, why didn't you tell us, and how long are you gonna hang on the roof for?"

I look at them, then back at the roof "Heh as long as I need to and for not telling you guys I just didn't feel like it" they all started to shout at me until I lost my grip and fell from the roof and into Donnies arms. He said, "If you guys were paying attention, you would have noticed he was about to fall to the ground badly injuring his shell luckily. I just exited my lab just in time. You're welcome, and thank you. "

Donnie was holding bridal style. The others were shocked at his words they looked between him and me. Sensei then spoke, "Young Donatello, I thank you for protecting my son and keeping him from harm, and are you ready for your training" I saw Donnie smirk and reply "Of course Sensei" he put me down on the ground and walked to the dojo with Sensei we all followed.

Donnies pov:
I just entered the dojo with Sensei, and the others followed us. I took off my hoodie, and they noticed I didn't have the battle shell on, and I walked over and grabbed my katanas. I heard a gasp and heard Raph say "Wait don't tell us your training without your armour, and you also using Fearless' weapons?" Before I could speak, Sensei said,"My sons and Jones he asked for this, and I trained him if something were to happen to one of you. "

I looked at sensei annoyed and said "Sensei I'm not replacing your sons in any way. I'm not good enough for that. " Sensei then looked at me and said, "Everyone sit and watch and hajami. " he charged at me and attacked bit, and I kept dodging. we did this for a while. we were and even match until I did a single movement and kicking him to the wall and putting my sword to his neck, keeping an eye on his tail.

He smiled and said, "Now this is how you beat me. You can stand done, Donatello," I replied, not moving. "Not until you say Yami sensei," he smirked and said "Yami" I backed away, still keeping my guard up until he bowed and said "I'm proud of you child it's not easy to beat me"

Mikey said, "Woah dude, you just beat sensei, and with a weaker shell, you're amazing" I chuckled and said looking away "I'm not that good" Leo came up ro me and grabbed me making me look at him Saying "Donnie don't cut yourself short none of us have beaten sensei yet so yeah your amazing" I smirked and looked leo in the eyes then grabbed him and pulled him in and kissed him.

I heard gasps from his brothers and Casey and Spinter I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye, then I pulled away after a few minutes from Leo and licked my lips saying "I knew you had a crush on me but I got convinced to do that so have fun Leo explaining this to them" and I walked out of the dojo leaving my weapons behind since it was night I decided to go to the surface for the first time since I got here so I left having my hoodie on.

Leo's pov:
My crush Donatello just kissed me...MY CRUSH JUST KISSED ME... I could tell how red my face was since it felt super hot. I heard Casey say "Wait hang on, your crush was Other Donnie?" I didn't respond. Just stood there. Donna came up to me and said "Leo you good?" I again didn't respond. Raph grabbed my shoulder and shook me, yelling, "LEO SNAP OUT OF IT YOUR FREAKING US OUT."

After he stopped shaking me I fell to the ground landing on my ass still in trying to get my head around what happened mikey screamed "LEO NOOOO DONNIE KILLED HIM" Splinter laughed and said calmly "No donnie didn't Leo's just in shock since he didn't expect this to happen did you guys?" They all said "No" after 10 minutes. I shook my head, coming back to my senses. No one was into dojo with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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