PT.8 Not... Normal...?

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I sit on the couch with everyone and I watch TV as husk is behind the bar watching from afar. We are all on our phones except Charlie and alastor. I hear their conversation but I'm also not listening to them that much but then I hear alastor "hey Y/N. You know you kind of fascinate me!" I look at alastor in confusion and everyone looks at us. I look at alastor. "Oh uh... How?" Alastor looks at me and makes his can appear from thin air and he holds it and points to the parts as he is taking about them "well I honestly don't mean this in a weird way darling but your only one animal which is weird because people are usually two types of animals at one like husker! He is a cat with wings and your just- a cat." I look at him with a (no shit) face "wow I couldn't tell alastor... Anything else?" Alastor continues "yes actually! So I can see through the texture of your hoodie sleeves and pants that your fur is only from your elbows down and knees down because under your hoodie where the fur is it gives a different texture until your elbows then it just looks like normal and your knees down also give that fur texture under your pants but your knees up it looks normal..." I feel nervous as he points that out since the reason of that is because most of my scars were from my elbows up and my knees up but I act normal. "Mhm..." Alastor looks at me for a moment like he did when he first met me like he is reading me. "Tell me Y/N... Do you have any types of scars that you gained during your alive life?" My heart sinks as he asks that question and I look around and I see mostly everyone except nifty listening to the conversation and I rub the back of my neck. I think alastor seems to understand since I think he can read me and he just nods I look at everyone and everyone seems confused and husk is looking at me with slightly sequined eyes and he looks like alastor when he reads me but he just is... Grumpy. I lean back in my seat uncomfortable from the attention and I try to just go on my phone. Charlie taps her foot nervously and an alarm goes off and she sighs in relief. "Alright guys we all need to start to get ready for bed we have some activities to do tomorrow!!!" I sigh in relief and I watch everyone leave the living room and alastor stays he stands up and I stand up and he says "Y/N." I turn around nervously and I nod "mhm...?" Alastor walks next to me and he says in a calmer radio voice "so darling I can tell you've been through hell already! And I just want you to know you can talk to me about anything even if I am a famous bloodthirsty overlord I can be quite a father figure." I look at alastor and I nod "thanks al." He nods back then he vanishes. I walk over to the bar and I sigh and I look at husk "can I get two shots of vodka." He rolls his eyes and just grunts and he gets two shots and pours vodka in them. He starts to get a chaser ready but I don't realize that and I just take the shots without a face and he looks at me in confusion and slight shock "wow without a chaser hm?" I look at husk and I nod "yep." He takes the shot glasses and he says in his grumpy voice "your a little alcoholic I see." I look at him in annoyance and I say "and your a big alcoholic I see considering that all you do all day is sit here all day just drinking your cheep boose." He looks at me and narrows his eyes and flips me off and I flip him back off and I walk to the elevator. I shake my head and I press the up button and I go to the second floor and I go to my room, unlock it, and go in.

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