PT.19 Trauma Problems

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I sit on a chair in the complete darkness and I try to get up but I can't. I look around and to the side of me and when I look forward I see my mom on the ground with her beer bottle and she is crying "Y/N...! W-where are you...?! Don't leave me I need you...! Y/N!" I look at my mom and I try to stand up but I can't get up from the chair I can't move anything. I can only watch... My mom fades away and I feel a hand wrap around my throat and I look behind me and I see my dad. "Your a fucking selfish brat.. how dare you leave me and your mom you could've got us so much money and you could've made me and your mom proud! I don't even know why I believed in you... Your a fucking disappointment" he fades away and I gasp as air finally enters my lungs again. I feel hands on my chest, thighs, waist, and neck again and I look in front of me and I see the men... "You ready you little slut... We are gonna have so much fun with you... We are gonna fuck you to death... Cry... Scream... Yell... Swallow... Suck... Your a fucking toy... No one with ever actually love you you will always just be a toy....!" I fall backwards and I wake up. I'm sweating  and angel is looking at me with full of worry and Charlie is also in the room with tears in her eyes. I feel my eyes finally start to tear up as I start to have a panic attack and I cover my face so they don't see me cry "H-holy fuck...! I-im sorry, s-sorry, s-sorry...!" I start to have PTSD flashbacks with the men and my dad and I continue to cover my face and I tuck my knees to my chest "I-Im so sorry.... I'm sorry please I'm sorry, sorry, sorry..." I force myself to not sob but I still cover my face since a couple tears are falling. I hear angel and Charlie's voice "hey hey it's ok toots we are here we are here calm down shh..." "Y/N it's ok we are here me and Angel just us your alright... You can talk to us it's just Charlie and angel." I finally start to snap back to reality and I take deep breaths and I wipe my eyes but I still cover my face and I breathe then I take my hands down and I look at angel and Charlie. "I-im sorry I didn't want you guys to see my like this... Fuck..." I rub the back of my neck and my nose is still a little red. Angel and Charlie hug me and I tense up from the touch but not as much as I used to. I'm not used to being touched in a comforting way. "It's alright doll I understand it's alright..." They comfort me and I nod "I'm alright it's just some nights..." They nod "it's ok Y/N! Me and Angel are always here to help and don't worry no one else knows about this except me and angel." I nod and I sighs and I quickly make myself look like I never cried in the first place and I act normal "alrighty uhm... I need a drink..." I stand up and we walk into the elevator and we go down to the main room and I walk to the bar while "bud light." Husk grunts and gives me it "here ya go... you look like shit."
I drink some bud light and I look at him "I still look better than you though." He opens his mouth to say something back but I put my finger over his mouth "nope not today shit the fuck up." I look at husk and my eye bags are much darker and bigger and my eyes look tired. "Alright whatever the kitten wants." He pushes my hand away and I roll my eyes and I sigh and I drink more of my bud light. Alastor appears in the seat next to me with his same wide smile "hello dear! I've heard you had a rough night last night. Are you alright that was quite intense" I look at him "who told you?" Alastor laughs and makes his cane disappear "oh Y/N, Y/N, Y/N... I'm the radio demon! I see and hear everything... But don't worry! Your actually one of my favorites here! Congrats!" I nod and I drink more bud light "yea thanks Al I appreciate it but please don't tell anyone about my shit I'm pretty sure you know all of my uhm... Experiences..." He nods "yep I read through your brain and it told me everything..." His smile surprisingly gets smaller for a second and he looks at me like a worried father but he still has a tiny creepy smile. "I'm so sorry dear..." I look at up at alastor and I sigh "it's alright Al. We can talk about my shit later since it's not the best to talk about it here like- in front of everyone...-" alastor looks around and his smile goes back to wide an creepy "agreed! Remember if you need anything just call me nameeee!~" he fades away and I look at my drink and I drink more of it. "Y/N you alright? Your usually grumpy and annoyed annoying and shit but today your extra of all of that and you look tired you know?" I look at him "yea I'm fine and also fuck you too." He softly smiles and he continues to clean glass cups and then Charlie come storming downstairs "OH MY GOD GUYS MY DAD IS COMING HE IS LIKE ALMOST HERE AND WE NEED TO GET SHIT READY BEFORE HE GETS HERE IM SORRY FOR NOT ALARMING YOU EARLIER BUT WE GOTTA GET TO WORK!"

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