PT.12 No food = no fat...

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I start to feel dizzy and tired and my stomach starts to hurt a lot. I look around at everyone else talking and angel on his phone. I try to stand up and my legs wobble and I try to act normal but I feel like throwing up even though I have no food in my stomach. I look at Charlie as I notice her looking at me with a worried face and I gulp since I know if she gets too worried about me she will do a whole care taking thing. I try to keep my eyes open and I try to stand up straight even though my stomach is in so much pain... "Y/N. Are you ok?" I look at Charlie and everything starts to go slow. "M-mhm..." I try to go as fast as I can to the elevator so I can go into my room and I grunt in pain and I quickly go into the elevator and I press up. After the elevator doors close I fall on the ground of the elevator and I lean against the wall of the elevator. "F-fuck... I need my pills..." I grunt in pain and I see alastors shadow starting to form in the elevator with me again and I quickly stand up and the elevator gets to the 2nd floor and I quickly go out of the elevator and into my room. I close my door behind me and I stumble to my bed. I open my nightstand cabinet and I grab my pain pills and I just grab a handful and I swallow them. "Shit.. I need more pills..." I try to walk but I'm to weak... I grunt in pain and I stand up but as I walk towards my door I fall on the ground again with a thump and I feel like throwing up. I get to my trash and I start to dry throw up (throwing up even though you have nothing in your stomach to throw up) it hurts... It hurts so bad... I don't want my new friends to see me like this... I don't want to lose them I just met them... I hate husk but it's actually entertaining to annoy him... A couple of tears drop from my eyes and I finally stop throwing up. I just lean over the trash in case I feel like throwing up again. I sit on my floor and my throat feels like its burning... I get up with wobbly legs and I grab a tissue and I wipe my mouth and I throw it away and I flop on my bed and I fall asleep...

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