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. Mikes pov.

I wasn't really sure whether or not my decision was right. But I wanted to make Lizzy happy.

If this was the only way I would gladly do it besides it wasn't so bad fake dating her.

We mostly went out together, ate together and always walk side by side with each other in school.

We were soon known as best couples in the school. Was I happy with all, I don't know.

Ryder ignored me most of the time, and it somehow worried me. I didn't know why.

I miss how he used to nag me around, how we were constantly auguring.

That was weird!

Why would I think like that. I'm sure she is busy with one of her girls.

I was free at last. I hate to admit it, but ever since I started fake dating Lizzy I lost my privacy in school. I was constantly surrounded by people I didn't know but called me their friends, but today was different I was currently in the library reading a very interesting book.

The title is "a journey to love my self". I became addicted to the story. It kinda motivated me.

I was in my 5th class. It was science class. I was currently sitting besides Ryder. I didn't know why I felt the edge to sit there.

He didn't even clance in my direction and I began to wonder if I had done something to upset him. During our last encounter I thought we cleared everything up until when we met in his car. I didn't know why it bordered me like this.

I could see Lizzy claring at me. I know she must be wondering why I sat by Ryder instead of her like I usually did.

Because of this I didn't look in her direction but from the Conner of my eyes I could see her claring at me.

The lecture entered the class and we became quite immediately.

"So class today we will be working in pairs, am gonna pair you up with a partner, you guys have 3 days to complete the task I would be giving to you else you will fail".

I sat there praying to get someone who actually loves science or is hardworking.

The lecturer begun to pair, Lizzy got paired with Jennifer, I thought she would be excited but she wasn't before I could even think again I heard " Ryder and Mikes you guys are gonna be pairing up"

Before I could process anything I heard Ryder say"sir please can you change my pathner for me "

I looked at him perplexed, I mean why would he say that I was literally one of the best student in the school.

" Sorry Ryder but am done with the pairing so that is it" the teacher said nonchalantly.

I glared over at him very furious at what he just did but I didn't let it show that it affected me.

Our project was to present on how the solar system came about.

The class ended. I sat down waiting for everyone to get out of the class and ask Ryder what was wrong with him.

But Lizzy called me saying she wanted to speak with me. I swear I was Ryder tighten his fist and he looked more angry. What was that about.

I brushed it off and walked out of the class with Lizzy. She wanted to know if everything was fine between us.

I simply said"yes everything is really good between us"

"Do u want me to change your pathner for you, I mean I could talk to the teacher and am sure he wouldn't deny it"

" No it's okay, I'm fine with it. Why will I have a problem with it, I mean we are just gonna study that was all" I said nonchalantly.

I could see Lizzy wasn't too sure, I  convinced her. When she agreed I hugged her gave her a perk on her cheeks.

I watched as she left. I was happy she cared about me genuinely this time, not wanting attention.

Ryder texted me saying we would be meeting in the library after school closes.

How did Ryder get my number, I didn't know. I didn't want to find out too.


School was officially over and I remembered I had to meet Ryder in the library, so I hurriedly left for the library.

When I get there, I spotted Ryder and went over. I waved at him he didn't mind me.

"Since your here let's get started" he said.

That was rude.

We began by doing a little bit of research about the solar system and we gathered Alot of information.

Turns out Ryder loved science. Even though we weren't in good terms for a reason I didn't know, he was able to put that aside and we worked together.

Occasionally, I would catch him starring at me, when he noticed I caught him then he would just avoid me.

After researching we decided to meet at Ryder's place to do the practical Side of our presentation.

He texted me his address and he just left.

That was weird !

End of another chapter. I fell like am dragging the story so am trying to speed it up. Thanks for reading my story. Plss vote to encourage and comment on your like and dislike about my story.
Again sorry for any grammatical errors. I feel too lazy to read it over

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