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. Ryder's pov.

The next morning, I was excited to go to school and meet Mikes. But to my disappointment I didn't see him in first class. I taught she might have been late so I might see him during the 3rd class but I didn't.

I decided to ask Lizzy since they both claim they were dating each other. I mastered all my courage and set my pride aside and decided to ask Lizzy where Mikes is

I never really liked Elizabeth, something was off about her for me, or maybe because I'm just jealous.

Hi, Lizzy I said walking close to her making her friends leave the both of us to talk.

"Mmm yh Ryder how may I help you"

"Well, I was wondering whether you have seen Mikes today because I haven't seen him"

"Me neither, I haven't seen him and why do you care about him, I mean what is your business with him" she asked back.

"Ooh well, Lizzy I wanted us to complete the project today so that we would present on it tomorrow, since tomorrow is the last day"

She looked convinced and I took that opportunity to wish her good day and left.

Where could he be. I decided to call him but he wouldn't pick up. I even taught of going to his house but I didn't want to disturb him.

What if by chance he didn't come because of what happened in my house, oh God I've mess up big time. I hope that isn't the reason.

.Lizzy's pov.

I don't know why but I didn't like the idea of Ryder and Mikes being together in the project. Well that is non of my business now since we were real couples now. I was excited.

Mikes parents loves me and he also likes me.

We have been going on date recently, a lot of them. For some reason Ryder didn't look please with it. I mean what was that dude's problem. I just hoped this relationship of mine would last longer since I really really love him.

I love everything about Mikes, he was handsome, shy sometimes he liked talking a lot. He always knew how to make me smile.

He filled the emptiness inside of me but I thing bordered me, we hadn't kissed yet. Like he hasn't even make an attempt.

I personally think that when we kiss, it will deepen our bond and he tries his possible best to ignore that topic.

I tried to let it go but I wanted to have a strong bond with him, I wanted to taste him, I wanted to explore him, realizing my taught I just sighed and tried to let it go.

End of another chapter guys.yay!!!
Sorry for any grammatical errors.please comment and vote on my story

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