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AS you slowly emerge from the depths of sleep, your surroundings begin to materialize. The warmth of your bed wraps around you, comforting and inviting. With a gentle stretch, you feel your muscles waking up, a pleasant sensation after hours of rest.

The soft light filtering through the curtains hints at the world outside, while the familiar sounds of remind you of where you are. With each passing moment, your mind becomes clearer, ready to greet the day ahead with renewed energy.

You slowly pushed yourself up with your wings still draped and motionless on either side of your lower torso. They were stiff as a rock making you raise them to stretch them out, as well as your arms too. There was a significant pop from your back making you indecisively sigh out pleasantly.

A buzz from your flip phone that was on the counter beside you immediately caught your attention and grabbed it. You then held the phone against your ear, "Hello?"

Although you cringed at how raspy your voice sounded, you heard a familiar cheery feminine voice come through. "Oh hello! Hope I didn't wake you up?" You smiled at the sheepish tone of her voice before twisting your knees so you could turn around and face away from your bed.

You chuckled, "No, no, it's alright. Why are you calling me this early, Molly?"

"I was wondering if you have any plans for today?" You blinked at her question and was amused. You? Plans? You just arrived in heaven yesterday, "No, I don't."

The giddy smile in her voice was clear, "And only If you want to— I was thinking we could hang out for a bit? Maybe get you some clothes? You just got into heaven after all." She giggled, the bed creaks slightly when you stood up to stare out window. Angels littered on the streets, left and right. "—and while we're at it, we should get something to eat. So, what'd ya say?"

You were caught of guard and despite some hesitations, meeting with Molly and her outgoing demeanor finally persuaded you. "Oh— That sounds fun, just lemme get ready.. and I'll meet you there." You carefully thought out awkwardly as Molly who squealed with joy.

"Awesome! You're soo going to love this! I heard that there's new pastries out at Silly Sam's. Ohh! I can't wait for the both of us to try them!"

You hummed to yourself curiously, "Silly Sam's?"

You little inquire went unheard or unacknowledged by the woman, guess she was all too caught up by her outburst to notice it. "Don't worry about where to meet up, I'll text you the details in a bit. Bye for now!"

"Bye." you trailed off when she hung up on you. And as you stepped away from your window, your excitement became more apparent at the thought of finally getting new clothes.

Taking a glance at your apartment's closet, you really didn't have anything to change to except for the clothes you have on right now. (The ones you just literally died in too).

So after a quick glance in the mirror, you ran your fingers through your hair, deciding to leave it tousled for a laid-back vibe. With a satisfied nod, you head to the bathroom and splashed water on your face to wake yourself up a bit more. You opened a pack of toothbrush before brushing your teeth. Once you were done, you gave yourself a once-over before deeming yourself good to go.

Snatching your apartment keys and phone from the counter, you froze to look at the still messy bed before shrugging it off and decided that you're going to do it later when you head home. Heading towards the front door, you felt a mix of anticipation and slight anxiety. You're honestly not the type to be social around others, especially with strangers.

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