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GOING to heaven, you'd thought that you would be enjoying your time exploring every inch of the area or possibly going to a beach, maybe do a little bit of crocheting there while you're at it.

But nooo..

Your dumb self just had to accept Sera's offer, you were really starting to regret not declining it beforehand because now that "friend" she was talking about happens to be that same asshole who almost cussed you out a few days ago.

As you dragged yourself out of bed, the exhaustion clung to you like a heavy blanket. The thought of facing another day filled with Adam's obnoxious stories and Lute's judgmental stares made you cringe.

After that whole montage with doing the paperwork, he really started getting into this story about his old assistant and didn't elaborated on why they quit and called the poor subordinate a 'broke ass slob-knocker' because(well there wasn't really a because, he just wanted to call them that) it was their fault in the first place for sticking their nose into other people's businesses.

He also talked about this one gig he was at and dubbed all the women there, "Double b's"

"Boring and bland, all those bitches were." Exaggerated the egotistical man while huffing afterwards. That made you even more annoyed at him.

He was also very vague by what you actually needed to do but said that you would just to only help aid him during inside and outside of his meetings, as well as, doing his paperwork and just to "stick it to the man and write shit down" whatever that means.

Sighing heavily, you did your business and shuffled into the kitchen and mechanically went through the motions of making coffee. The familiar routine offered a small sense of comfort amidst the chaos of your thoughts. You poured yourself a cup and retreated to the sofa, seeking solace in the mindless distraction of the TV.

Just as you started to lose yourself in the familiar glow of the screen, the doorbell rang, jolting you out of your drowsy stupor. With a frown, you hesitated, wondering who could possibly be intruding on you solitude. Reluctantly, you got up and made your way to the door, steeling yourself for the interaction to come.

Opening the door, you were met with the unexpected sight of your friend Molly standing on the other side, concern etched on her face. "Hey, do you mind if I come in for a bit?"

Looking behind you, your apartment was probably messy but you knew you couldn't say no to her. "Yeah, come on in." You offered a tired smile, Molly nodded and stepped in when you moved aside, you shut the door behind her. Walking into your living room, you were slightly embarrassed as you spotted your coat, Adam blatantly said that it was ugly, casually thrown on the couch ledge.

There were also some other stuff scattered around the floor, "Also, I'm sorry if it's a bit messy. Yesterday was hectic."

You heard her hum and made her way to your couch before getting comfy, "Yeah, heard from her highness.."

You pause for a bit before tensing up, "Emily?"

She nodded slightly in confirmation, you finally went down to sit next to her and placed your cup on the coffee table. "Did she hear it from Sera?"

"No, she heard it from Adam." She quipped with an unreadable smile while her big black eyes looked into your uncertain ones.

She then broke eye contact to look at something other than you, "Oh." You blurted out, It fell quiet afterwards and you felt the need to say something but weren't really sure what to say. Something was bothering her, clearly. Gently placing your hands on your knees, you couldn't even look at her without feeling all awkward and stuff. "Um.."

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