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  YOU stood on the yellow concrete, your expression a mix of confusion and reluctance. Before, Adam and Lute dragged you along to this place and despite your protests, you find yourself reluctantly observing the scene before you.

"What's with this place?" You finally questions, your voice tinged with exasperation as you glance around at the children flitting about, cringing when you saw a kid fly off, completely missing where they were supposed to fall and face plant on the hard ground instead.

Adam, the bastard, smirks knowingly. "The fuck does it look like?" he mocks, his words dripping with irony as he gestures towards the youngsters, ignoring the one who fell, letting out a high pitched scream.

You bristle at Adam's insinuation, your irritation mounting. "I didn't ask for this," you retort sharply, your patience wearing thin as you shoot Adam a pointed glare. "I'm not staying here."

Undeterred, Adam leans in closer, his smirk widening. "Why not?" He turned away from you to purposefully laughed out loud at a kid that fell on their bottom. "Thought this place would be the best, just ignore these little shits running around and do your thing."


"What, don't tell me that you're embarrassed?" he concedes in almost like a baby like tone.

You scoffed and scooted back, it felt demeaning and insulting when he talked to you like that. "Embarrassed? Hardly,"

"Isn't there another practice course, that isn't for little kids." You gesture to the area.

Adam was about to rebuttal but unknowingly to you, his mind churns with mischievous schemes, he suddenly seizes upon an idea that promises excitement and thrills for him. With a gleam in his eye, he turns to the unsuspecting person beside him, you.

"Yeah. Yeah, there is actually." he declares, his tone brimming with a newfound enthusiasm as he gestures for you to accompany him.

Curious yet wary, you hesitantly falls into step behind Adam, your apprehension mounting with each passing moment. You can't shake the feeling that trouble lies ahead, but a sense of morbid curiosity compels you to follow nonetheless.

Lute, watches with a stoic gaze and as the trio sets off, her expression betraying no hint of emotion as she dutifully trails behind.

As they navigate the winding pathways of heaven, Adam's excitement mounts with each step, his anticipation palpable in the air. You can't help but wonder what scheme he has concocted this time, your unease growing with each passing moment.

High above on some unknown tower, the rooftop served as an impromptu training ground for you, your feathers ruffled nervously in the wind as you stared out at the daunting drop below.

Stirred up a whirlwind of nerves within you, the dizzying height below made your heart race as your contemplated the daunting drop.

"Isn't there an alternate way of doing this?" You tried to keep your voice steady and calm, though deep down inside, your actually freaking out.

"Unless you want to go to that fetus land then no." You heard Adam replied and then began to ramble out some instructions.

Each gust threatened to send you tumbling into the abyss, but you steel yourself as you slowly spread your wings.

With shaky resolve, you took a deep breath and prepared to take flight. Standing beside you, Adam, exuded confidence as he surveyed the scene.

"Keep your body steady," Adam declared, he puts one hand on your shoulder while the other pushes your back slightly to straighten them, his voice dripping with superiority. "Just jump off and flap those wings. Easy shit."

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