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You and Killer had been dating for 1 year and your relationship was going well. The two of you were deeply in love. Killer understood you, listened to you, and did everything he could to make sure you were always happy and always felt loved. You have been a member of the Kid Pirates longer than you and Killer have been together, as you were asked to join the crew by none other than the captain himself: Eustass Captain Kid almost 6 years ago. It wasn't until about a year in did you start developing feelings for Killer. He was more than happy to get to know you but it was obvious that Kid was his best friend and confided in him more often than with you. You understood and respected that that. While you never intended to take Kid's place, you knew that, in time, Killer would be more and more comfortable around you. 

Your feelings for him became deeper and you developed quite the crush on him. It was obvious to the other crew mates that he liked you, too.

You vividly remember the first time he revealed his face to you. You knew that was something he would only few to see. You felt honored to have this opportunity. This was the moment that you truly fell in love with each other. The two of you embraced in a kiss that you will never forget.

Fast forward 1 year from that night, you sit in your dorm's restoom back up against the wall with the door closed and locked. A pregnancy test is in between your index finger and thumb and reads a little plus sign. You have been sitting in here for over an hour lost in thought. What happens now? Will you keep it? If you do, do you and Killer have what it takes to be good parents? Where would you and your family go? You certainly couldn't safely keep a baby on the seas.

He already knew you were pregnant. You told him with tears in your eyes, afraid of his reaction because this wasn't planned and, again, you've only been together a year.

Telling him:

Killer was sitting at the ship's bar talking to Heat when you lightly tugged on his blue T-shirt

"Can I talk to you for a little bit?"

"Yeah, what's up, baby?"

"Not here"

"Oh, um, alright"

Heat and Killer look at each other for a moment and then Heat nods, indicating that he understands your request for privacy. Killer stands up and follows you into your living quarters. It's storming outside and thunder and lighting were rolling and flashing intermittently. Even though that thunder and the sound of rain I pounding your room's window was loud, there was a deafening silence. It took you a few minutes to speak up.

"Is something wrong?"


His entire demeanor changes on a dime, asking if he did something to upset you.

"No, you didn't".

"Did Kid mess with you?"

You look down at your feet and, even though, he had his helmet on, you still felt like you were unable to look at him. Tears begin to run down your cheeks and fall to your feet. He takes notice of this and steps toward you only to be stopped by your words. "No, don't!"

"[Y/N], tell me what's wrong. I can help you".

You are now downright sobbing. Even though you told him to not come any closer, he sees that you are struggling and embraces you into a tight hug and rubs your back. In the midst of his walk forward you, you lift your head up reach out your arms to him.

"Hey, it's okay... shhh... shhh... It's okay".

You cry into his chest for about 2 minutes non-stop and then shout

"It's not okay! I'm pregnant!"

At those words, he stops rubbing your back and he takes in a sharp breath. You pull away and apologize profusely. "We've only been together for a year!" you add. You are now inconsolable and run away into your restroom. Killer tries to follow you but you lock the door behind you. You sit down and continue to cry. You were certain that this was the end between you and him.

"Open the door, [Y/N]!" he yells whilst attempting to turn the doorknob


He tries to get you to come out for an hour. 

However, he realizes that trying to get you to cooperate by begging you to open the door is not going to help ease your emotions. He places his back against the door and slides down into a sitting position, back of his head pressed against the wall. His tone turns soft.

"[Y/N]... I love you. I'm not angry and I'm or going to leave you. I know we've only been together for a year but that doesn't matter. I love you and always will. We could have been together for 3 months and this news still wouldn't make me leave. Starting a family with you's a dream come true. We may have not expected this but that's okay. We've created a life and taking care of that life with you is something I want. Truly. We can do this... Now, please open the door". He then removes his helmet and lazily placed it next to him.

His words were honest. You could feel the sincerity like a ton of bricks. Taking a moment to collect yourself, you splash water from the sink onto your face. You open the door and find your boyfriend standing up, facing you. He suddenly pulls you into an embrace and tells you he loves you. Just then, you feel him pull away and lean onto one of his knees. He then holds both of your hands. "Will you marry me, [Y/N]?"

Shocked but still coherent, you respond with a resounding yes.

Delivery or soon after:

You had just given birth to your baby girl. She was less than an hour old. She had blonde hair just like her father with your eye color. The birth took place on the ship. You were being sailed to an island with a hospital but the baby didn't want to wait so the process took place in Killer's room. The two of you were lying in his bed exhausted with your backs up against a wall of pillows. Your head was lying on your now husband's shoulder as you slept. He held his daughter in his arms and looked down at her sweetly. Just then, a knock at the door. The sudden sound causes the baby to cry. You quickly wake up.

"I'll get it. It's probably Kid".

He carefully moves his legs off of the bed and gets into a standing position. He walks up to the door and opens it only to find, as he guessed, the captain.

"Hey, Killer. How's the baby? How's [Y/N]?"

"Both of them are fine. Your knocking woke this one up, though".

"Heh. Sorry. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure my right hand man and his family were doing alright".

Kid looks at the baby girl and smiles "Don't be crying too much, alright? I can't stand it". Kid then puts one of his hands on Killer's shoulders "You did great, partner".


You and Killer have moved into a home. You planned on taking time off to raise your child. She was now 8 months old and crawling/sitting up...and has been getting into anything and everything.

Killer is in the kitchen as he watches [D/N] sitting on the floor playing with a baby toy (a ball). He turns eyes away for a moment. While his attention is temporarily averted, your daughter accidentally drops the ball and it rolls underneath a chair. She starts to cry and crawl her way to that chair. Hearing the crying, her father instinctively and immediately rushes to her side.

"Hey, what's wrong, baby girl? You were fine a second ago".

The child sits up in front of the chair reaches out her arms in the direction of it.

"Hm? What's over there?"

She stops her crying but continues to reach her arms out.

Killer puts her down and walks toward the chair to investigate. He looks behind, its right side, its and left side but sees nothing. The only place left to look is underneath it which he promptly does. It's there does he see the ball. "Is this what you were wanting?" he asks as he grabs it and pulls it out from its location. He sits down and softly rolls it toward her. She picks it up and lets out a giggle.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01 ⏰

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