Chapter 16

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As the golden rays of the morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, filling the room with a warm glow, Panchi woke up to the melodious chirping of birds outside her window. The serene ambiance of the morning filled her heart with a sense of peace and tranquility.

Over the years, Panchi had blossomed into a stunning young woman, her inner beauty radiating outward, captivating everyone who crossed her path. With her enchanting smile and graceful demeanor, she had a magnetic presence that left a lasting impression on everyone she met. Panchi was truly stunning.

With her dark, silky hair, fair, smooth skin, and slender figure, she looked very delicate yet perfectly proportioned. Her cheeks had a light pink hue to them.

Her room was adorned with soft hues of pastel colors, creating a serene and inviting atmosphere. With a soft smile, Panchi stretched her arms and took a deep breath, savoring the freshness of the new day.  She gets off the bed and goes towards the balcony adjacent to the room and steps into the balcony.

As she stood on the balcony, watching the butterflies flit gracefully from flower to flower, a wave of nostalgia washed over Panchi, transporting her back to the carefree days of her childhood.

Seeing the butterflies flying outside reminds her of her childhood days.

I never thought that sitting in someone else's house in another city would make me miss my home. But fate also plays a strange games. I never thought that my mumma and papa would go away from me. Having grown up in the shade of my mother and father's love, I never thought that I would come to the harsh of the real world.

It has been Thirteen years since Mumma passed away. But still I feel that she will come from somewhere and call me, 'Gudiya, don't run after butterflies, if you fall somewhere, you will get hurt.', Then later you will come to me and will say, 'Mumma, look, it has hurt. Even now, whenever I get hurt, I feel as if Mumma will come from somewhere and apply medicine to my injury.
I never thought that my life would be ruined in this way.

My parents being away from me was like a nightmare for me. For so many days I kept thinking that I wish I too had gone with them. Don't know when our happy life got affected by someone's evil eye. Never did I imagine that our own would betray us like this. Ashok mama dealt such a blow to papa that mumma could never recover from the shock of his betrayal.

Over the years,  Mama siphoned off large sums of money using intricate schemes. He manipulated financial records, creating false accounts and transactions to cover his tracks and maintain his facade of innocence.

Slowly but steadily, he diverted company funds into his personal accounts, building a substantial fortune while maintaining his respected position within the company. Papa, unaware of his brother in law's deceit, battled alone with the mounting financial irregularities, never letting a hint of his struggles reach home. Even when  Ashok Mama suddenly disappeared from our lives, Papa chose to keep Mumma in the dark.

And then, one day, Mami and my cousins also left abruptly, leaving us all shattered. The company stood on the brink of bankruptcy, drowning in the wake of years of hard work papa had invested. When Mumma learned of the truth, it dealt her a blow she couldn't recover from. Her condition deteriorated day by day, and the taunts of society only worsened her mental state.

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