Chapter 20

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The lounge, known as "The Royal Paragon," has been an iconic venue since its establishment in the early 1970s. Initially renowned as a high-profile entertainment hall, it has retained the opulent style of the 70s and 80s, exuding an aura of timeless elegance and sophistication.

In its heyday, The Royal Paragon attracted noble and elite members seeking relaxation and entertainment. Over time, it became an exclusive enclave for the elite, with many socialites vying for membership but unable to secure it.

In a private room on the top floor of The Royal Paragon, Near the floor -to- ceiling window, a group of people, observing the singer performing a nostalgic song, " Slow dance," by 'Ana Popovic', on the first floor. The singer is adorned in a black satin gown, complemented by a pearl-white fox fur shawl, and her wavy long hair is embellished with a pearl hairpin.

Inside the private room, four people listen to music and enjoy glasses of wine. Ayesha is absent, expected to join them later. It has been many days since they last met, prompting them to choose The Royal Paragon for their reunion. Unfortunately, Ali has invited an old acquaintance that none of them are eager to meet- their former college classmate.

This acquaintance, "Abhimanyu Sanchela", was not truly a friend; they merely shared the same class during their college days. Several months ago, Ali encountered Abhimanyu during a fundraising event in India. Knowing by Ali's charitable work, Abhimanyu proposed a collaboration. Hailing from a family deeply entrenched in politics, Abhimanyu's uncle was a prominent politician, but due to family politics, Abhimanyu ventured out to start his own political party. During their college years, Abhimanyu held the position of student council head, leading a busy life that never crossed paths with Milind.

As Avinash, Ali, and Rajeev engage in conversation, the manager interrupts to inform them of a visitor. They glance at Milind, who nonchalantly acknowledges the news. The manager escorts Abhimanyu into the room.

As Abhimanyu enters, he is taken aback by the luxurious ambiance of the private room, never imagining he would step foot in The Royal Paragon, let alone its exclusive private quarters. Composing himself, he approaches Milind and takes a seat in the empty chair, bracing himself for the encounter ahead.

Abhimanyu: Milind, it's been a long time. I hope you're doing well.

Milind offers a curt nod in response, his expression unreadable as he waits for Abhimanyu to continue.

Abhimanyu leans forward, his tone earnest. "I'll get straight to the point, Milind. As you may know, I've embarked on a political journey, aiming to carve out a significant presence in the upcoming elections. However, as a newcomer to the political arena, I require substantial support to make a lasting impact."

Milind raises an eyebrow, prompting Abhimanyu to elaborate. "That's where you come in, Milind. With your financial backing and influence, we could form a formidable partnership. In return, I offer you unwavering loyalty and the opportunity to expand your ventures in India."

Avinash: Interjects, with a hint of skepticism "And what makes you think Milind would be interested in getting involved in your political ambitions?"

Tik Tok Tik Tok The rhythmic sound of high heels reverberated through the room, drawing everyone's attention. Ayesha glided in gracefully, She was adorned in a figure-hugging dress that accentuated her curves, the slit revealing a glimpse of her toned thighs. The deep neckline added a touch of allure to her ensemble, and the burnt orange hue complemented her fair complexion exquisitely.

As Ayesha took her seat beside Milind, Abhimanyu's gaze lingered on her, filled with unmistakable desire. However, Ayesha remained unfazed by his lustful stare, her demeanor displaying a confidence honed by years in the entertainment industry.
Abhimanyu clears his throat and starts speaking again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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