*Chapter Four: Truths and Lies*

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Summary of last chapter: Lia decides to go to a party with Nova. At the party a college aged guy SAs her. Then, he is pulled off of her and beat up by three strangers. Another stranger, with chains, picks Lia up and calls her piccola. Nova is carried out by an unknown girl. Lia is given a pacifier by the man that carried her out. In another place, Damien received the news that Lia is actually his sister. He called a family meeting but most of them are missing. Later, Lia wakes up alone. She has the urge to SH, but doesn't.


Daddy - Thank god, I was worried

Daddy - sorry I took so long, I was on a plane

It's ok, daddy

Daddy - can I ask what happened?

I don't really want to talk about it

Daddy - that's ok, baby, you don't have to, but

I'm here if you need to talk about it 


Daddy - no need to thank me

Are you ok, physically, mentally 

I hurt my hand, but other than that

I'm ok

Daddy - That's good, and mentally?

I'm fine

Daddy - Would it be easier for you if I called?


Daddy - ok, baby, just give me a moment,

I'll call you soon, but I need to take care 

of something really quick


Silently, the door opened. Aurelio stepped in, his footsteps unnoticeable, and blended into the shadows. Damien himself wouldn't have even noticed him if it wasn't for the fact that he was the Don of the Italian Mafia. Giovanni and Orlando then walked in, their footsteps only causing slight vibrations, not sound. Although, Alessia's and Luca's attempts made him laugh, Damien couldn't help it, revealing himself. He flicked the light on.

Aurelio gaped and then glared at Alessia and Luca, "Should have known the babies were going to get us caught."

"Excuse me," Alessia fired back, "I seem to remember your reaction to an itsy bitsy little spider-"

"That was years ago!" Aurelio groaned, "When will you let that go?"

Giovanni raised an eyebrow, his lips raised in a slight smirk, "Most likely, never."

"Took the words right out of my mouth, Giovanni," Alessia said, smirking.

Luca slinked slowly out of the room, and quietly said to himself, "Well this seems like a family matter..."

"No, Luca," Damien said to his younger sister's friend, "You can stay, there's some information you also need to know. We'll discuss your punishments later, but for now, quiet your squabbling. I have news on the last one."

Immediately, there was silence. Suspicious silence. Alessia stared into Damien's soul and twiddled her thumbs. Aurelio turned and looked around at the drafts, whistling the Harry Potter theme song. Giovanni grabbed a stress ball out of his pocket and started murdering the poor thing. Orlando acted calm, examining his nails and picking at his, well before, perfect cuticles. It was only Luca who wasn't so obvious, you could only tell by the slight furrow of his eyebrows that something was up.

"The one from Maria Angelo," Giovanni asked.

"Twins, actually, fraternal. Maria changed her name to Rosa Esposito and gave birth to twins. The doctor said one was a stillborn, but turns out he took one of them as he and his wife were unable to have children, and couldn't afford adoption. The doctor and the wife died six years ago, and she jumped from 'relative's' homes. The twin's names are Nova Alvarez and Amelia Esposito."

"Does that mean..." Stefano trailed off.

"Yes, our full inheritance will be unlocked. That is not important. Something else is of more concern to me right now. Aurelio," Damien looked at him, analyzing his reaction, "Did you murder Maria and her husband? It sounded strangely like you. Your signature mask, your MO."

Aurelio rolled his eyes, "So what if I did?"

Luca's eyes widened, "So that's what happened..."

"You seriously went all the way to America, just to ensure we would have custody?" Stefano asked, bewildered by his horrific actions.

"Yeah," Aurelio shrugged.

"And here I thought you went there for the party scene," Alessia said to herself, upset that her older brother hid this from her.

"Did you at least make sure she didn't witness it or see you?" Orlando questioned, hoping his brother wasn't that stupid.

"Heh...so about that," Aurelio said nervously.

"Seriously!" Alessia yelled out, frustrated, "No wonder she was like that!"

Damien paused, "What do you mean? How do you know what her reaction was like?"

She chuckled apprehensively, "We might've, um, overheard your, like, phone call."

"Still doesn't answer my question," Damien said sternly, his arms crossed against his chest.

"Jesus, dude, chile, we went to America and checked her out. DNA tests aren't 100 percent accurate and I wanted to make sure she was ok. And good thing we did," Orlando said, annoyed at his overbearing and controlling brother.

"Why, what happened? Is she ok?" Stefano rapidly questioned, like the worrywart he was.

Luca sighed, "To be honest, probably not. Some creep was assaulting her. Orlando, Giovanni, and Aurelio took care of him."

"What? So you're saying I don't get to punish the little motherfucker for what he did to my sorrelina?" Damien growled.

Aurelio snorted, "Giovanni was a little extra."

"He got what he deserved," Giovanni said darkly.

Damien whined, "But I wanted torture him too!"

Alessia rolled her eyes, "Oh no, you poor baby."

Stefano checked back in with Luca, "How far?"

Luca pinched his lips inward, breathed out, and said, "Technically not rape. Bit far enough to were his death was necessary."

Stefano nodded, and turned to Alessia, "And Nova? How is she?"

"Oh, you mean other than her tendency to use drugs and party?" Alessia said sarcastically, hating that her father put them in this situation in the first place.

He deadpanned, "Yes, Lessie."

"Fine, I guess. She was high on something and passed out in my arms," Alessia explained the situation.

"Fuck," Stefano swore under his breath.

It was clear when they got them, there would be a lot of things to not exactly fix, but to work on and heal. That was their father's dying wish. For all of his kids to be ok. 

"You're all doing chores instead of the maids for two days," Damien said finally.

The four siblings groaned and Luca shrugged, expecting it.

Damien raised an eyebrow at the four complainers, "Would you like me to make it two weeks?"

Sorry this chapter's kinda short

Last minor edit: Apr 11 2024

Last major edit: Apr 9 2024

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